A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Won't get out of the 20's here today. At least the sun is out and so are the girls! Daisy was so happy she flew all the way to the back of the yard & back! Nothing like happy turkey hens!
No real sign of anymore pecking or fighting. No eggs either.
Found the guinia own yesterday. Guy two doors down! He bought them from some farmer in Arkansas for his daughter. They are grown. As soon as he released them in his backyard they flew over the fence & have been wandering around the neighborhood. We are going to at least try to catch them. I'm not too hopeful. No idea what sex they are. This guy had NO idea of guinea behavior and the farmer didn't bother to educate him. His daughter just wanted a turkey like Daisy. They saw the guineas and thought they were cute.
Won't get out of the 20's here today. At least the sun is out and so are the girls! Daisy was so happy she flew all the way to the back of the yard & back! Nothing like happy turkey hens!
No real sign of anymore pecking or fighting. No eggs either.
Found the guinia own yesterday. Guy two doors down! He bought them from some farmer in Arkansas for his daughter. They are grown. As soon as he released them in his backyard they flew over the fence & have been wandering around the neighborhood. We are going to at least try to catch them. I'm not too hopeful. No idea what sex they are. This guy had NO idea of guinea behavior and the farmer didn't bother to educate him. His daughter just wanted a turkey like Daisy. They saw the guineas and thought they were cute.

Oh my goodness lol! That's hilarious! I don't know if the neighbors will have as much patience with noisy, wandering guineas! Hopefully you guys catch them! Might need some tranquilizer darts!
Well...no guineas to be found. Ok by me. They could be anywhere. Poor little guys. Neighbor says he may start with baby guineas. I tried to explain they aren't the best choice for a neighborhood environment.

Meanwhile, the girls are both fluffed up & sitting on the porch rail in the sun. Still in the 20's.
Neighbor & I toured the neighborhood again. No hooligans to be found. Everyone is on the lookout. No luck.

Took the girls for a stroll. Braved the cold & wind. Tired of this weather....

Did you check the jails? Local dens of inequity? Your local "Brinks" affiliate?

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