A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

So I just found this thread, I have two Bronze Turkeys. Both Toms. Both 5mo old..
They stay puffed up from the time I open the run, until bedtime
. wonder if they are courting my chickens, or do they just do that?
I fear getting them one or 2 mates. But they really dont just chill out, always fanned out. This is my 1st attempt at raising Turkeys, and I'm learning as I go. They are friendly, I pick them up(they are heavy) and pet them. They follow me everywhereView attachment 1907014
Mine follow me around too, but they’re totally not interested in being picked up. Most of them are half grown and they puff themselves up a lot but not ALL day. They’re so cute.

I have three broad breasted whites who are way huge. They are NEVER not displaying except when they’re sleeping. They’re in a pen with one naughty rooster and 15 poults, mostly Sweetgrass, but they were displaying way before they got all that company. There are no girl turkeys around. Go figure...

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