A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Oh, I make it a practice to think at least once a week. :gig

I wouldn’t commit to more than once a week until I knew how much trouble it was going to be. (writing, I mean... thinking too, maybe) Less than once a week though, people will forget about you. The other good thing about a regular mini-article is that people will be searching for things like, “Why doesn’t my hen have feathers on her back?” And then they’ll find you.
We had 7" rain over the weekend. Of course it was the community fair Sat, so made some things a little slow. Except for the mud volleyball tourney. Spent last couple days doing cleanup from fair and little road work from all the rain.
Now spending tomorrow setting up for Old Time Harvest Days festival. Run a station with 2 trailers set up with hand corn shellers and grinders. Fri is when schools bus kids in for the day. Last year I dealt with 450 kids coming through shelling and grinding corn for my birds winter rations..lol
Maybe next week I can take a breather, except for building cages to take a bunch of birds to auction on the 4th.
Fred....you sure are busy! But it all sounds like fun!

Few of the neighbors wandered down yesterday evening. Daisy installed herself in one of their laps. Perfectly content. This guy just picked her up & plopped down in a chair with her. I was surprised he did that...but he sat there rubbing her head most of the evening. She loved it! The poults aren't as user friendly yet. Iris is curious, Poppy likes to stare at everyone. It's a slow process to acclimate them to a crowd. It's been so blasted hot just now cooling off enough to even want to be outside! Everyone thought Iris was gorgeous and were politely quiet about Poppy. Keep telling them to wait till he grows up! Poor Pops!
Fred....you sure are busy! But it all sounds like fun!

Few of the neighbors wandered down yesterday evening. Daisy installed herself in one of their laps. Perfectly content. This guy just picked her up & plopped down in a chair with her. I was surprised he did that...but he sat there rubbing her head most of the evening. She loved it! The poults aren't as user friendly yet. Iris is curious, Poppy likes to stare at everyone. It's a slow process to acclimate them to a crowd. It's been so blasted hot just now cooling off enough to even want to be outside! Everyone thought Iris was gorgeous and were politely quiet about Poppy. Keep telling them to wait till he grows up! Poor Pops!
Memphis - has he started to display yet?
No displaying or gobbling. I think he's gender confused. He's been living in a convent with no male roll model. My poor baby!
He will get there, I'm sure. YouTube has dozens of videos with gobbler sounds. We play them here just to get the guys stirred up. It's the only time they spend side by side harmoniously and not focused on snood pulling or mouth beaking. :lau

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