A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Molpet....where are you? Excessive rain sucks!

Flash....I have Iris my teenage penciled and Daisy my old lady blue bird of happiness. Poppy's snood is practically down to his knees. And it happened overnight!! And he suddenly got as big as a horse! I think R2elk pointed out we could have just about everything under the sun for poults. I usually sell my turkey eggs to a local baker. I share my chicken eggs with friends.
I'm still trying to get my mind around this...
Poppy will be real yard candy if he stays nice. I wouldn't mind some eggs NEXT spring. I am sorta burned out on incubators for this year.

As to chicken eggs, it looks like I am in for an average of 120 plus or minus eggs each WEEK. On top of that, I had my 8 yr old Buff Orpington start laying a couple of months back and NOW, the 8-year-old white Silkie has started. REALLY?? :he I can only hope some of these gals only lay a few eggs - a very LOW few.
I have no idea yet what I am going to do with all of those?!?:th

There will be a variety though - Buff Orpington, California Whites, Columbian Wyandottes, Dominiques, Speckled Sussex, Black Jersey Giants, Light Brahmas, a mix of Australorp/Wyandotte, ISA brown and more crosses.

And, I am sure I am forgetting some. lol
Poppy will be real yard candy if he stays nice. I wouldn't mind some eggs NEXT spring. I am sorta burned out on incubators for this year
As to chicken eggs, it looks like I am in for an average of 120 plus or minus eggs each WEEK. On top of that, I had my 8 yr old Buff Orpington start laying a couple of months back and NOW, the 8-year-old white Silkie has started. REALLY?? :he I can only hope some of these gals only lay a few eggs - a very LOW few.
I have no idea yet what I am going to do with all of those?!?:th

There will be a variety though - Buff Orpington, California Whites, Columbian Wyandottes, Dominiques, Speckled Sussex, Black Jersey Giants, Light Brahmas, a mix of Australorp/Wyandotte, ISA brown and more crosses.

And, I am sure I am forgetting some. lol
Sign up on days someone feels like selling eggs
I'm originally from St. Louis. Spent many a great weekend in Chicago....mostly at Card/Cub games. Love eating my way through Chicago!
Any other baseball fans out there? Listen to the cardinal games most every night. Usually with Daisy sleeping in my lap!
I have been to Chicago once in a while for sports (Sox, bears and mainly Blackhawks) and museums. haven't been for years... Drove through st Louis a few times LOL
Sign up on days someone feels like selling eggs
Heh, I hope to sell some. I do have this huge hunch that the birds will be eating a lot of scrambled eggs...... Four of the breeds have their own rooster and I plan on separating those into their own pens. My two children who live nearby and have children of their own - typically take home a few dozen. Of course, that was back last year when I only had a half dozen hens laying. :D
Aurora.....really like the site. Well written. Clear and to the point. Great graphics. Particularly like the turkey pics with you showing how friendly they can be.

I maintain people have no attention span these days. You have to grab their attention quickly and keep your message short & to the point.

Only comment would be to point out heritage bred turkeys as a food source. I know it's a bit of a trend. Not sure if its something to promote or not. Just a thought. I think most folks getting chickens are looking for cute birds to make them breakfast. You might mention turkey eggs are valued by bakers/cooks for their richness. Advise from someone who has never sold a bird in her life!! LOL! OR HAD A TOM BEFORE!!!!
Hey, you gave me a thought... I haven’t seen the whole site yet, but if you haven’t, @OneMountainAcres, you might consider a regular poultry advice column to attract regular readers.
Gobbling....thanks Flashpoint....hadn't even thought about that yet! Aghhhhh!!!!
The little boy gobbles are sooo cute. DH likes to shout to them, “Turkeys!!!” They reward him after the second shout with an enthusiastic chorus of gobbles. Mine usually don’t gobble unless they hear unusual (to them) or loud sounds, or other turkeys gobbling.

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