A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

I'm starting to feel better. Dr called in a new protocol to get me past this flare....and by gosh I think its working! This is so NOT about turkeys, but I feel we have a great little group, so sorry if I'm sharing too much!!
I do have a sweet story! I drug myself to the Walgreens drive through to pick up these new meds. I've been so achy I'm having a tough time walking or even moving my arms. Pretty bad shape. I asked the pharmacist if they could get me some cough medicine. And, for some reason a Sprite. I don't often drink soda. With a smile, she ran off & got both for me. And since my hands weren't working well, even opened them for me. I teared up. Just a lesson....sometimes the smallest things can make a huge difference to someone.
So glad to hear about people helping each other. :wee
I know Molpet...right? It sounds like such a small gesture. But it was huge for me.

Went out & checked on the girls. Got side eye. And then from the bottom of the pile I heard Blossom yapping. Geez...she's such a talker! It's only 43 here now. I'm waiting till it gets a bit warmer until I disrupt them.
I know Molpet...right? It sounds like such a small gesture. But it was huge for me.

Went out & checked on the girls. Got side eye. And then from the bottom of the pile I heard Blossom yapping. Geez...she's such a talker! It's only 43 here now. I'm waiting till it gets a bit warmer until I disrupt them.
It's 43°F here too.
I'm starting to feel better. Dr called in a new protocol to get me past this flare....and by gosh I think its working! This is so NOT about turkeys, but I feel we have a great little group, so sorry if I'm sharing too much!!
I do have a sweet story! I drug myself to the Walgreens drive through to pick up these new meds. I've been so achy I'm having a tough time walking or even moving my arms. Pretty bad shape. I asked the pharmacist if they could get me some cough medicine. And, for some reason a Sprite. I don't often drink soda. With a smile, she ran off & got both for me. And since my hands weren't working well, even opened them for me. I teared up. Just a lesson....sometimes the smallest things can make a huge difference to someone.
So glad you're feeling better, Memphis. And yes... a little kindness often goes a long way for all of us. What a great pharmtech you have!

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