A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

I did my first candling on the Adam eggs today. Out of 22 eggs, 14 have obvious veining, 2 blood rings, 6 look to be clear, and 1i couldn't tell at all. I'm leaving the unsure ones in until Friday to make sure but 14 fertile and developing from the girls first eggs... I'm impressed and happy :)
I did my first candling on the Adam eggs today. Out of 22 eggs, 14 have obvious veining, 2 blood rings, 6 look to be clear, and 1i couldn't tell at all. I'm leaving the unsure ones in until Friday to make sure but 14 fertile and developing from the girls first eggs... I'm impressed and happy :)
congrats on the fertile eggs.

Hope they all hatch for you.

I figure I have about 3 months before my girls start laying.
I did my first candling on the Adam eggs today. Out of 22 eggs, 14 have obvious veining, 2 blood rings, 6 look to be clear, and 1i couldn't tell at all. I'm leaving the unsure ones in until Friday to make sure but 14 fertile and developing from the girls first eggs... I'm impressed and happy

How many days in the incubator?
I have 18 turkeys in the turkey pen,

No turkeys in the turkey house. They are so stupid, it is colder than crap.

1 turkey was in the chicken coop run, She is too dumb to know that is not her pen. She is doing the "I am lost" cluck..

The other hen is the Blue red bronze, had she been a self blue I would have told her "stay out and let the eagle eat you!"

But because she is my only Blue red bronze (or is it Red Blue Bronze?) I chased her for 15 minutes. She would stay just outside of the reach of my landing net.

We went around the buildings twice, then she went into the chicken coop and out into the chicken coop run.... She is there for the night now!
I have 18 turkeys in the turkey pen,

No turkeys in the turkey house. They are so stupid, it is colder than crap.

1 turkey was in the chicken coop run, She is too dumb to know that is not her pen. She is doing the "I am lost" cluck..

The other hen is the Blue red bronze, had she been a self blue I would have told her "stay out and let the eagle eat you!"

But because she is my only Blue red bronze (or is it Red Blue Bronze?) I chased her for 15 minutes. She would stay just outside of the reach of my landing net.

We went around the buildings twice, then she went into the chicken coop and out into the chicken coop run.... She is there for the night now!

Do you mean colder than frozen crap? Cause fresh it's kinda warm...

Lol sometimes turkeys seem to be missing something upstairs

My turkeys actually went into the coop on their own tonight, I guess they thought it was warmer in there. The chickens and ducks pretty much stayed in the coop the entire day and the pigeons and quail were all just sitting around today. I hope the pigeons keep the baby warm enough tonight, it's gonna be 2 degrees.
I brought the sparrow inside, she just chattered angrily when I picked her up, that bird has no fear!
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Today was only day 8 or 9.that's why I didn't pull any that looked clear yet, just in case.

I got 6 eggs from my girls today so that means they all layed today. Unfortunately, two were frozen and cracked before I managed to get to them

I know I have had people say not to pull them until day 15. Myself I have had them blank until day 12. After that they just look iffy. I pulled a few eggs once and thought they were junk, then broke them into the garbage can. Was sick when I saw the baby chick/blood/fetal mass whatever you want to call it. Now I hardly ever throw, unless I am positive it is a clear.

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