A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Crows will eat chicks and poults, too. The very first batch of Cornish x broilers I raised about 15 years ago were out in a run with no netting on top. Two crows landed in the pen and pecked out the kidney area on about half of the 6 week old 4 pound broilers while they stood there and squawked.
Hi all, sorry I have been away so much, this being in Florida is hard on me and makes it harder to get online.

I need to tether a connection and that is hard for me and costly.

Identify this bird. my wife sent it to me, it was yesterdays hatch...


The only turkeys I have are my  blue hen, two lavender hens and a lavender tom... Then I have Ethel and JJ  they either "slate reds"   rusts  or lilacs depending on who you ask...

BUT look closely  is that even a turkey?

I have an idea but it is far fetched..

Looks like a turkey to me.

Some of your slates are splash aren't they.

If so there is the possibility of a poult looking like a spanish black.
I should not be able to get a black, I have only a lavender male and the only hen would need a splash male to make one, I think.... They are in a secure pen so I know nothing else bred with them.

However, I do have Guineas in that pen........ That were put in there about a month ago..

MY DW has named it penguin.. she says it is small......but cute and feisty,,
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Crows will eat chicks and poults, too. The very first batch of Cornish x broilers I raised about 15 years ago were out in a run with no netting on top. Two crows landed in the pen and pecked out the kidney area on about half of the 6 week old 4 pound broilers while they stood there and squawked.

I like having crows around, they keep the eagles away and they are my main concern.
I should not be able to get a black, I have only a lavender male and the only hen would need a splash male to make one, I think....    They are in a secure pen so I know nothing else bred with them. 

However, I do have Guineas in that pen........ That were put in there about a month ago..

MY DW has named it penguin.. she says it is small......but cute and feisty,,

That's cool anyway.

Hopefully its grows well and you keep us posted on what it is.

Hi all, sorry I have been away so much, this being in Florida is hard on me and makes it harder to get online. I need to tether a connection and that is hard for me and costly. Identify this bird. my wife sent it to me, it was yesterdays hatch...
Definitely a black poult. This must be JJ & the blue hen's baby. If he is rusty slate instead of lilac then he's black based instead of bronze based. The blue hen & he would each be carrying a blue gene & a black gene. He would be the daddy, not the lavender. And black slate is different than black spanish, though a lot of people confuse them.
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No, it is not that. JJ has not been close enough to that hen They were separated in late Feb. The only male that has been close to the blue hen is the lavender/self blue tom.

I think it is a mule, the cross between a guinea and a chicken. My wife said it is small in size and there was a hatched guinea egg but no baby guinea.


If by some miracle it was JJ's like a real long lived sperm, it is still a permanent resident. My wife named him and that means he is staying. But whatever he is he looks cool.

It is kind of fun not knowing for sure what I am getting. LOL

He has a funny posture I think too, BUT I have only seen the picture and not him... DW named him penguin and I think that means the posture must be weird for a pout.

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