A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Fiesty...the boys look great! Such handsome fellows. Is that Turkulus?

Aurora, don't forget updated mottled pics sometime this week. :p

Feedman...you too!
Yeah, Pictures needed..

Also Aurora Creamette pictures needed... I forget did you say you got 4?

I am going to candle eggs today. I will report back results..

I moved turkey hens last night. It was not pretty. I thought one was going to break a wing she fought so hard.

The easiest one to move was the broody one. She played pancake when I approached her, so I just scopped her up and took her to the new pen. She complained the whole way. I covered her eyes during the trip it helps.

I took her eggs and immediately washed and disinfected them. I gave them an imaginary hatch date of May first. I have no idea for sure so I will have to watch them very closely.
Fiesty...the boys look great! Such handsome fellows. Is that Turkulus?

Aurora, don't forget updated mottled pics sometime this week. :p

Feedman...you too!

I'll try to get some pictures later on today. They're flying now. I open the brooder and they fly out to greet me lol.

Yeah, Pictures needed..

Also Aurora Creamette pictures needed... I forget did you say you got 4?

I am going to candle eggs today. I will report back results..

I moved turkey hens last night. It was not pretty. I thought one was going to break a wing she fought so hard. 

The easiest one to move was the broody one. She played pancake when I approached her, so I just scopped her up and took her to the new pen. She complained the whole way. I covered her eyes during the trip it helps.

I took her eggs and immediately washed and disinfected them. I gave them an imaginary hatch date of May first. I have no idea for sure so I will have to watch them very closely. 

They were due to hatch yesterday. 5 went in to lockdown but one didn't look good. Still waiting on something to happen :/ I promise to post pictures of any hatch. I may go in and candle later just to see if anything is going on.

Definitely report back on the Adam eggs. I'm excited to see what you get :)
I'll try to get some pictures later on today. They're flying now. I open the brooder and they fly out to greet me lol.
They were due to hatch yesterday. 5 went in to lockdown but one didn't look good. Still waiting on something to happen
I promise to post pictures of any hatch. I may go in and candle later just to see if anything is going on.

Definitely report back on the Adam eggs. I'm excited to see what you get

Do not throw them out I had one hatch on day 24!

They are real slow hatchers
Do not throw them out I had one hatch on day 24!

They are real slow hatchers

Oh I won't. I never toss until I'm sure they're gone. I just went in and checked on them. I have 2 internally pipped and peeping. One externally pipped, 1 thar I can hear tapping inside so I'm not sure if it's pipped or not. That 5th one is dis. I'm almost positive on that one but I kept it in anyway. Of the 4 that look good, 2 are c1 and 2 are c2. I have them seperated :)
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Oh I won't. I never toss until I'm sure they're gone. I just went in and checked on them. I have 2 internally pipped and peeping. One externally pipped, 1 thar I can hear tapping inside so I'm not sure if it's pipped or not. That 5th one is dis. I'm almost positive on that one but I kept it in anyway. Of the 4 that look good, 2 are c1 and 2 are c2. I have them seperated

I hope you get a white!
Sorry Feedman77. I had to cull #21. Flipping turned into wry neck, then spraddle legs. All fixable, but too much for one chick. I think he had pneumonia too. Always sad to lose one.

Superglue died this afternoon.

She was fine at 10 this morning.

I went to move so chicks out of the bigger brooder and checked my small chick brooder and she had passed.

Sorry to hear about superglue
is so hard to lose one that you've put so much effort into saving.

I rescued one from the shell this morning that was pretty well glued in. He's spending an extra night in the bator and will hopefully have gained some strength by morning so he can join the others.

I lost two myself yesterday
One of the little polish babies that hatched the other day and one of my young Marans outside. No clue what happened to him. My daughter found him dead in the run. I'm pretty sure it was the one that we had been calling Buddy. The only one that would come running to us to be held and cuddled. I'm guessing it may have been just too cold and he was maybe just want able to handle it. Alter that, I grabbed the other small one and took it back to the garage brooder with the next oldest chicks until they go out.

I'm so sorry guys for your losses

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