A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

As promised, this week's pictures of the mottled blacks. Don't mind the meaties I with them lol.

Prince is still white as snow!

I really can't wait till I can move these guys all out to the big garage brooder. They're growing so fast!
Well. I candled.....The mailed eggs appear to have 3 maybe 4 that developed. I admit I did a fast candle because I had the doors open too long. They are set to hatch on the 18th.

I had a "mess" of eggs to hatch on the 13th. I have 13 I put into the hatcher. The rest are going in the garbage. All non-starters except one I think is a late quitter but too hard to tell so he is in the hatcher. Another in the hatcher is a side saddle air sac. I just laid it on the bottom of the hatcher, not in a carton I have no Little hope for it.

My young Blues appear to be worthless. Either that or they spent so much time fighting through the fences they forgot to mate. Dumbchisssskis!

Every egg in the hatcher is a JJ egg! He only had 3 girls them too, so he had a lower percentage of girls and got all the eggs! JJ is a bird to behold! He has knobby feet, I hope the bet tomorrow does not make a big deal about them. He has always had them. Well, as long as I have had him, but he came from such harsh conditions he is lucky to still have feet.

So I have 27 different kinds of birds that can hatch on the 13th!

Oh did I mention, I think some have already internally pipped, I can see the birds moving around in the air sacs! Or right below it. They did not seem to like the light shined in their homes!

My first turkeys of the year are so exciting! I wish they had not been so many blanks,,,,I did not think to candle any of the other two boys other eggs.
Good luck ralph.

I think my chocolate tom may be in the same lane as few of yours.

Too busy fence fighting and not taking care if business.

My first batch of chocolate eggs were all clear.
Aurora....thanks for the poul fix! They look great. Little cuties. So what color will Prince be?

Good luck ya'll on all ya hatches!!
We are hatching right now - but they are French Black Copper Marans chicks. I have a question for you, though. We are hatching our first chicks au naturel - instead of in an incubator - ie.. under a mama hen. Mama is in a nesting box that is 3 ft in the air. Should I move her to another house where she can feed the chicks without them falling and breaking their necks?

If so, move her at night? She is still sitting on 8 other eggs that haven't pipped yet. Move her and the chick and eggs together?

Do I put a small dish of chick feed in the house with them so she can show the chicks the dish of food?

Thanks for any advice you can give me about hens!
First off, I would like to apologize for not responding sooner - I haven't had a chance to answer messages on BYC for the past couple days.

I would recommend moving her to another house rather than risk the chicks' lives; and yes, move her at night to reduce stress levels. I'm sure you've already put a feed dish in with her; chicks normally start eating on their own but it wouldn't hurt to have her show them. I hope they're doing well!

I technically had a 100% hatch rate this time - the only two eggs that didn't hatch were infertile. Momma was determined to hatch those and kept pulling her poults back under her for some reason... I took them away from her because a few actually started to overheat. I think they would have been fine if she hadn't been trying to keep those eggs warm. We'll try again next time.
One poult was accidentally rolled around during hatching and ended up getting wry neck... she is now almost fully recovered. Quite a miracle, I thought we were going to lose her.

I'm sorry to hear about Superglue, Feedman. She was a cutie.

And good luck to those hatching!
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