A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Congrats to JJ! Ralph, you & JJ will have to toast the new baby with a Mikes. And don't forget he also charmed the vet!

That stinking broody bug is making its dreadful presence known.

I have another hen wanting to brood. Hopefully I catch her off the nest tomorrow and can gather the eggs.

I put six baby chicks into my pen in a brooder house got up next morning half were gone.

Set a trap and caught a ring eyed bandit. Hope it's the only one but I doubt it.

Man I miss my coonhounds.

So tomorrow is running 3ft of welded wire underground around my brooder house.

I so hate ringed eyed bandits! They cause more grief than any three other animals!
JJ is a Daddy again. The class of 2016 finally arrives!
Congratulations on the poult! When my first chick hatched, I sent my daughter this photo if it
And she sent back this:
I guess beauty is in the eye of the poultry parent!
Caught my broody off the nest. The other hens have helped her out she had 11 eggs under her. Collected all but 3. Marked those.

Ralph that poult is cool colored. But it doesn't have telltale slate mask. Any guess to what variety it might be out of your possibilities with ethel and jj?
Caught my broody off the nest. The other hens have helped her out she had 11 eggs under her. Collected all but 3. Marked those.

Ralph that poult is cool colored. But it doesn't have telltale slate mask. Any guess to what variety it might be out of your possibilities with ethel and jj?

Not a clue..... I have several I think are a slate, but who knows what kind of slate. and 1 black one. I needed 20.
Alright I got my first Turkey today and he joined right in with the chicks in the brooder so funny he should be much bigger then they are in a few weeks then I will see how much he gets along with them

Well there he is

Here he is trying to hide in the crowd silly bird

You believe it he is really trying to hide under these chicks

He is so tired of running and hiding

I wonder how he will act when he is 20 pounds and the chicks are 3 to 4 pounds

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Gander, if they did not get along I would be surprised. My Turkeys and chickens try to be one flock and are most the time. I do try to make them "sleep" in different coops but that has varying degrees of success. Some turkeys refuse to go into coops, even in the dead of winter in our ugly blizzards up here.

Here are some pictures of yesterdays hatch. I moved them to the MHP this morning. I showed them the water, just because I like to waste my time doing things like that, knowing they have forgotten already. And even if they do remember where the water is they have forgotten how to drink all ready.

I picked 2 Speckled Sussex to be Tutors, Resident Advisors and hall monitors for the turkeys. NOW DO NOT GO ANY FURTHER IN THIS POST..


First I would like to introduce the faculty:

Like all Kindergarten Teachers that have that Dazed, " what am I getting into look.

Ralph & Gander...cuteness overload!

Ralph...how many SS have you hatched so far? Are you keeping them all? Perfect choice for turkey tutors!

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