A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Ralph & Gander...cuteness overload!

Ralph...how many SS have you hatched so far? Are you keeping them all? Perfect choice for turkey tutors!

I do not know how many I have hatched, I have kept quite a few, as I really like them. Besides being eye candy they have great personalities. Even King George has been really good since we had the forced luv'en session. I think he is afraid he will be loved again. I did give him some loving when I did his blood test the other day. He just is not impressed with belly rubs like the dogs are.
Congratulations Ralph! Let the new generation of rainbow poults begin!

Thanks, and I forgot to mention, I have one with red on it. It could be another "ginger", one with Black, but he worries me he is not as lively as the rest, and several I think our slates, but I have no idea what colors. One might be a blue and a couple self blues. Just not sure.
Do turkey hens tend to get very aggressive over nesting sites if they're contemplating going broody? My sweet Eve, of all my turkeys, got into the chicken coop yesterday where I have 3 broody girls and started threatening and attacking them. She's never showed any violence to any of the chickens before. She wouldn't even listen to me (a first) and I had to go grab her and throw her out. She then proceeded to threaten and chase down my roo. It's just so off the wall for her. I haven't seen any signs of going broody from her at all but that was really strange. My 3 broody girls in the coop are now very defensive of their nests and have started biting :/
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Do turkey hens tend to get very aggressive over nesting sites if they're contemplating going broody? My sweet Eve, of all my turkeys, got into the chicken coop yesterday where I have 3 broody girls and started threatening and attacking them. She's never showed any violence to any of the chickens before. She wouldn't even listen to me (a first) and I had to go grab her and throw her out. She then proceeded to threaten and chase down my roo. It's just so off the wall for her. I haven't seen any signs of going broody from her at all but that was really strange. My 3 broody girls in the coop are now very defensive of their nests and have started biting

Uh huh they do!

When we talk about turkey wrestling we are not kidding. Some of them get down right mean! Some are sweethearts. Even Ethel will puff out and threaten me. I have seen her run chickens 100 ft or better from her eggs.
Gander, if they did not get along I would be surprised. My Turkeys and chickens try to be one flock and are most the time. I do try to make them "sleep" in different coops but that has varying degrees of success. Some turkeys refuse to go into coops, even in the dead of winter in our ugly blizzards up here.

Here are some pictures of yesterdays hatch. I moved them to the MHP this morning. I showed them the water, just because I like to waste my time doing things like that, knowing they have forgotten already. And even if they do remember where the water is they have forgotten how to drink all ready.

I picked 2 Speckled Sussex to be Tutors, Resident Advisors and hall monitors for the turkeys. NOW DO NOT GO ANY FURTHER IN THIS POST..


First I would like to introduce the faculty:

Like all Kindergarten Teachers that have that Dazed, " what am I getting into look.

Alright you were correct that is defiantly a cuteness overload

I had to go outside as it is quiet out there with the coyotes howling and the geese go mad when I go out and the roo's start crowing till I go in but I have two geese sitting on eggs right now in two different places and the white ducks male's try to get the Kaki Campbell girls so I hear a bunch of squalling as their male counter parts fight off the white duck and normally would not be able to hear a thing as the geese make so much noise
Does ANYONE know anybody that breeds oscellated turkeys? Saw a picture of one for the first time yesterday and I want one SO BAD! The only thing I can find is that they're rediculous expensive but no where to even try to buy one.
You would have to look up an exotic breeder or hatchery... or maybe just go out somewhere in the woods and catch one :p nah I'm just kidding don't do that
Does ANYONE know anybody that breeds oscellated turkeys? Saw a picture of one for the first time yesterday and I want one SO BAD! The only thing I can find is that they're rediculous expensive but no where to even try to buy one.
I know this is a "turkey thread", but it would be a lot cheaper and easier to get some peafowl. I was watering my peas yesterday when all 3 cocks were fully spread out and shaking their feathers to impress the ladies. The ladies looked rather bored by it all, I guess they are used to the high level of beauty being flaunted on their behalf.

I bet I could get you some peafowl eggs to hatch this year, but keeping them is truly a "labor of love", you can't make money, or even break even, with peas. That's hard to do with turkeys, but at least you have a chance to make your feed money back.
I know this is a "turkey thread", but it would be a lot cheaper and easier to get some peafowl. I was watering my peas yesterday when all 3 cocks were fully spread out and shaking their feathers to impress the ladies. The ladies looked rather bored by it all, I guess they are used to the high level of beauty being flaunted on their behalf.

I bet I could get you some peafowl eggs to hatch this year, but keeping them is truly a "labor of love", you can't make money, or even break even, with peas. That's hard to do with turkeys, but at least you have a chance to make your feed money back.

Lol, I do want a peacock too. But only 1, just for eye candy in the yard. You can free range them too, right?

I know the oscellated turkeys are super expensive and it would be a VERY long time until I could afford any but just finding a place that I could eventually get one would be nice. They're so beautiful. Like a cross between turkeys and peafowl.

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