A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

The fact that the bird was in apparently good health makes it seem like some kind of sudden onset of blindness. Just weird.

What is up with Daisy & the hose....she loves to stand in the stream of water.
Ralph u wont believe what I found in the coop this morning! For some reason the person who stole your chickens put them in my coop!
Does your sister look good in prison orange jumpsuits?

Lol she better cuz its straight to the slammer for her
So....I let Daisy & Annie loose in the big yard for a few hours this morning before going to work. Got back up to the house & saw her jump over the gate, walk back to her pen & get in her nest. 20 minutes later I watched her come out of the coop & hop back into the big yard. She laid her egg. Huh. Just taking care of business I guess.
I need help. I have a year old turkey hen that is lonely. We bought 3 baby turkeys and showed them to her but she just looked disgusted and didnt want anything to do with them. She talks to the birds that fly around my farmyard. Should I wait until the other turkeys are old enough to go outside or should i look into getting an adult?
I need help. I have a year old turkey hen that is lonely. We bought 3 baby turkeys and showed them to her but she just looked disgusted and didnt want anything to do with them. She talks to the birds that fly around my farmyard. Should I wait until the other turkeys are old enough to go outside or should i look into getting an adult?

She will ignore the babies until they are about 3-4 months old. No hen wants to be accused of "poult abduction" by another hen! That is a sure way of getting a beat down.

She will do fine. the longer she is alone the more she will imprint on you. You might even have to set another chair at the table.

Aurora A bad thing happened! I do not think any of Adam's eggs will hatch. I out eggs in on the 8th. I had taken them from the Blue's pen. I have no idea how this happened. I had that one hen that I was not sure if she was broody or not. I kept taking eggs from under her, I assumed the other hens were just laying them on top of her or along side.

Anyways when candle turkey eggs I mainly look for cracks and porous eggs. The egg shells are so thick and hard to see through I can only see one in 5-6 air sacs when they first go in, after 2 weeks I can see them all. Anyways, I am making excuses now, I had an egg blow up in the incubator about a week ago. I could not find it, but the stench was terrible. I looked and looked and could see no bad egg.

When I pulled the CLB eggs to rest I noticed 2 had a drop of gunk on them. I found the egg right above those two, the bottom of the egg had blown out. There was a half developed poult in the egg rotting away. It was gross. Not one of the turkey eggs from the 18th have even pipped yet.

So they might all be dead. However the Dominique eggs all hatched and they came out of that incubator... 11 in..11 chicks! anyways, I am a tad worried, but I always get that way when hatches are slow.
Ralph-i'd give them a couple extra days to be sure. I really hope you get at least one. Mine tend to hatch a day late so who knows. Maybe the stress of shipping will delay them? That's really gross about the blown egg YUCK!

I've actualy had bad luck myself. I lost both males from your eggs too.no clue why, they just both dropped dead. I still have the one pullet left though. Bodily she's stronger than the others.
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