A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Feedman...the babies are looking good! Your going to cross your Bourbon with your Palms...right?

R2elk....I forget your at a high altitude. That Sweetgrass hatch is impressive. What is a Cornish Palm? That's one I haven't heard of before. And the blue sweetgrass ARE awesome .
Um someone said she is older I got her from worthys garbage company because she was all by herself after the tom that was with her was roosting on the garbage truck and road about an hour out the road and they couldn't catch him so my uncle brought he hen home to be with my chickens but she never didn't that before to them so it was just odd. But I am thinking she might be about 4 years old. My sister saw her trying to kill her chicken she was ready to have an early thanksgiving. She even tryed killing her own kids through a cage when they were out for the day.
Has anyone else had trouble with a turkey in aggression torwards the chickens she about killed my sisters chicken hen so I have had her locked into her dog cage to keep her from the chickens now she has been after the other chickens to. But if didn't know she was going to do that I wouldn't have trimed the tips off of my roosters Spurs. He has been flogging her like crazy to get her off of his hens.

I haven't really had any aggression issues towards the chickens with the exception of my rooster Bandit. Every now and then, my turkey hens feel that is necessary to chase him the whole way around the house. Usually all the girls join in. Once he submits, they leave him alone. On very rare occasions, Adam will threaten Bandit but it never goes father than that.

I am having an issue with Adam threatening the younger turkeys (the mottled group). I see him charge them repeatedly. They're all afraid of him and keep clear of him but I'm worried that he will eventually hurt another one. They're too big to keep seperated anymore but too small to even dream of defending themselves against such a big boy. Right now, they are all doing fine during the day when they're outside in the run. It's when I put them in the coop at night that Adam gets fiesty and lunges at them. Is he just being territorial over his coop or what? I keto telling him that they're not going to be babies forever and that once they get big, they're going to gang up on him and put him in his place lol

That's too bad about the fawn.

The dog boys are seeming tight, perhaps tighter than Lump was with his buddy howard who he had known for over 10 years.  Our animal control here are awesome folks.  They work hard to find homes for their dogs.

Knothead is awesome.  Hope he stays happy as part of a chicken flock.   I really want to live somewhere where I can have more.

Yes, unfortunately the fawn was too weak and didn't make it. She died the morning after I found her. I'm sorry to hear about your dog passing but I'm happy to hear that you adopted an older dog to be worth your other dog. Knothead is really looking good too. I'm excited to see my mottled toms hey brave enough to start strutting more often. Right now, they only do it for a couple seconds while Adam is occupied elsewhere.
Um someone said she is older I got her from worthys garbage company because she was all by herself after the tom that was with her was roosting on the garbage truck and road about an hour out the road and they couldn't catch him so my uncle brought he hen home to be with my chickens but she never didn't that before to them so it was just odd. But I am thinking she might be about 4 years old. My sister saw her trying to kill her chicken she was ready to have an early thanksgiving. She even tryed killing her own kids through a cage when they were out for the day.

So was your sisters hen new encounter?

If I put new chickens or turkeys in the hens freak out go on a chasing kill mission.

I did have hen turkey that lost her clutch of poults. She was psycho on any poult she came in contact with after that she would kill them. Would attack chickens relentlessly.So after that I got rid of her.

When she lost her poults she lost her mind and became pure evil.
Feedman...the babies are looking good! Your going to cross your Bourbon with your Palms...right?

R2elk....I forget your at a high altitude. That Sweetgrass hatch is impressive. What is a Cornish Palm? That's one I haven't heard of before. And the blue sweetgrass ARE awesome .

I thought that the Cornish Palm was in the Genotype/Phenotype link but couldn't find it there. There is a picture of a Cornish Palm hen when you run the Color Calculator.

Feedman...the babies are looking good! Your going to cross your Bourbon with your Palms...right?

R2elk....I forget your at a high altitude. That Sweetgrass hatch is impressive. What is a Cornish Palm? That's one I haven't heard of before. And the blue sweetgrass ARE awesome .

Well right now I don't have the toms penned the hens that are not left brooding. Are mating tom of their choice. My blue slate is the top bird in the pen at the minute. I've seen him do most of the mating.

All of my Bourbon hens but 1 are brooded up. Don't know if I'll breed them again. Letting them try to raise poults. But something still snagging a poult now and then. Snakes are terrible this summer. Might take poults away from them if losses continue.
R2elk, that Tom is amazing. Very handsome! Seriously, you traded your SS for Bourbons? Can't blame ya. And the Sweetgrass are darling. Please post pics as they grow, I love that breed!

Ralph, what exactly is Ethel sitting on? I think she'd handle those guineas!

She is sitting on 8 turkey eggs, but I think the eggs are ruined. 3 turkeys and one nest does not work out well.
Well right now I don't have the toms penned the hens that are not left brooding. Are mating tom of their choice. My blue slate is the top bird in the pen at the minute. I've seen him do most of the mating.

All of my Bourbon hens but 1 are brooded up. Don't know if I'll breed them again. Letting them try to raise poults. But something still snagging a poult now and then. Snakes are terrible this summer. Might take poults away from them if losses continue.

The snakes really are bad this year! I'm thankful that all we've had around are black snakes but they keep startling me lol. I'm not afraid of them but they really sneak up on you. On Sunday, we were relaxing outside and one just kind of strolled up to us. Hubby caught it and was letting the kids feel it and hold its body before he took it back to the woods. Very next day, I walk out of the garage and there's one right in front of me. He's been hanging out under our screen porch since. I saw him yesterday again before he slid back under porch. That's ok though. I know there was a hidden next under there and we couldn't get ask the eggs or so hopefully he's under there eating them all up. Then, Wednesday, I was weeding the garden and one came up, slithered through the tomatoes and back off into the woods. It's crazy!
The snakes really are bad this year! I'm thankful that all we've had around are black snakes but they keep startling me lol. I'm not afraid of them but they really sneak up on you. On Sunday, we were relaxing outside and one just kind of strolled up to us. Hubby caught it and was letting the kids feel it and hold its body before he took it back to the woods. Very next day, I walk out of the garage and there's one right in front of me. He's been hanging out under our screen porch since. I saw him yesterday again before he slid back under porch. That's ok though. I know there was a hidden next under there and we couldn't get ask the eggs or so hopefully he's under there eating them all up. Then, Wednesday, I was weeding the garden and one came up, slithered through the tomatoes and back off into the woods. It's crazy!
I thought it was just me that noticed a huge increase in snakes. It's just gopher snakes I'm seeing, so nothing to worry about. I actually like them, good rodent control and I like to catch them. They get all upset and pretend to be a rattler.
I guess i have a different take on snakes.

To me the only good one is a dead one.

I've probably rehomed 6 in the last couple weeks.

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