A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

I haven't really had any aggression issues towards the chickens with the exception of my rooster Bandit. Every now and then, my turkey hens feel that is necessary to chase him the whole way around the house. Usually all the girls join in. Once he submits, they leave him alone. On very rare occasions, Adam will threaten Bandit but it never goes father than that.

I am having an issue with Adam threatening the younger turkeys (the mottled group). I see him charge them repeatedly. They're all afraid of him and keep clear of him but I'm worried that he will eventually hurt another one. They're too big to keep seperated anymore but too small to even dream of defending themselves against such a big boy. Right now, they are all doing fine during the day when they're outside in the run. It's when I put them in the coop at night that Adam gets fiesty and lunges at them. Is he just being territorial over his coop or what? I keto telling him that they're not going to be babies forever and that once they get big, they're going to gang up on him and put him in his place lol
Yes, unfortunately the fawn was too weak and didn't make it. She died the morning after I found her. I'm sorry to hear about your dog passing but I'm happy to hear that you adopted an older dog to be worth your other dog. Knothead is really looking good too. I'm excited to see my mottled toms hey brave enough to start strutting more often. Right now, they only do it for a couple seconds while Adam is occupied elsewhere.

Is Adam a turkey? I would say he is just protecting them from his house just like chickens do when I last introduce adult birds my most dominant hen would not even let them in the door they slept on the ramp until I went to lock them in at night. I would try and spread them out on the roost away from him u til they get a little bigger then spread the baby apart so they learn to mingle and work things out instead of avoiding it. I had to do that with all of my baby chickens they are always clung to each other's side so I separate them in the coop at night and put them inbetween the big chickens and the other batches of babys so the all can work things out and be some one big flock.
So was your sisters hen new encounter?

If I put new chickens or turkeys in the hens freak out go on a chasing kill mission.

I did have hen turkey that lost her clutch of poults. She was psycho on any poult she came in contact with after that she would kill them. Would attack chickens relentlessly.So after that I got rid of her.

When she lost her poults she lost her mind and became pure evil.

No I hatched her with the other chickens it was the first time I ever hatched before and she has been here before the turkeys. She had her cornered amd just pecking the heck out of her face and trying to stand on her to hold her down the chicken was sticking her head through the bars trying to figure out how to get out to get away from her she does it agian she will be getting her new home at the neighbors but they won't put up with that either when she ran away she was roosting on there house roof. She didn't run away now I have her locked in a dog kennel.
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I guess i have a different take on snakes.

To me the only good one is a dead one.

I've probably rehomed 6 in the last couple weeks.
I'm kinda a weird one and like most things. Even rodents..just not in my house or out buildings. I also like to touch everything. maybe it's weird old lady thing. :)
If it's a poisonous one going down the road my dad and mom just swerves and runs them over before they go and come to our house we only do that if they are near where we live because we have dogs cats chickens turkeys Guinea pigs all kinds of stuff they can go after so before they can we just run them over my dad likes to take the black snakes up the mountain to let them go and then we just let the gardener snakes be. O and my I don't know what she would be to me but anyways she was gardening her flower beds and she found a 10 foot black snake in her flowers she hollared down the road to my aunt and uncle and showed it to them after her husband killed it. And my anut just went back into the house she don't like stuff like that.
The only sorta dangerous snake we have is the pacific rattler. They don't seem to come into homes, or bother livestock so it's not really an issue. I did mistake one for a gopher once and it gave me a bit of a fright. I tossed that one as far as I could when I noticed the rattle on it. If I lived down south I'd probably feel different. My husband is from Texas and he is always freaked out when I grab one up as soon as I see it.


Here is an update pic on the turkeys I think they are going to be pure bred narragessett as I have mentioned before I have never seen the tom before.[/quotes

So does anyone think they are narragessett or are they mixed with something?
I'm kinda a weird one and like most things. Even rodents..just not in my house or out buildings. I also like to touch everything. maybe it's weird old lady thing. :)

Everything is a little strong. Personally I have a bat phobia and would not feel bad if the last bat became extinct.... ( I got bit by one as a kid and had to go through the 21 rabies shots..So they are on my HATE list.
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Everything is a little strong. Personally I have a bat phobia and would not feel bad if the last bat became extinct.... ( I got bit by one as a kid and had to go through the 21 rabies shots..So they are on my HATE list.
I bet a lot has to do with where you were raised. I got bit by a chipmunk when I was a kid and my Mom freaked out totally and brought me into the doc who had to reassure her that we haven't had a rabies case in many years and there was no need for the shots. I love bats too. Very good for insect control and I really hate fly's and mosquitoes.
Has anyone else had trouble with a turkey in aggression torwards the chickens she about killed my sisters chicken hen so I have had her locked into her dog cage to keep her from the chickens now she has been after the other chickens to. But if didn't know she was going to do that I wouldn't have trimed the tips off of my roosters Spurs. He has been flogging her like crazy to get her off of his hens.

No I hatched her with the other chic kens it was the first time I ever hatched before and she has been here before the turkeys. She had her cornered amd just pecking the heck out of her face and trying to stand on her to hold her down the chicken was sticking her head through the bars trying to figure out how to get out to get away from her she does it agian she will be getting her new home at the neighbors but they won't put up with that either when she ran away she was roosting on there house roof. She didn't run away now I have her locked in a dog kennel.

I have raised turkeys with chickens. Occasionally they chase after the roosters in the evening and when I give the turkeys their pellets and the chickens are sneaking around underneath picking up the ones they drop, they chase them away. But I did have a time last year where I believe one of them was going around breaking eggs under sitting hens. I had 2 hens with head injuries - one was pecked down to the skull. I hope I sent the right turkey hen to freezer camp! I ended up shutting up the barn and just providing a chicken size door during the first 6 hours of the day to get the majority of the eggs laid.
This turkey sounds like she will continue and I wouldn't give her the opportunity to hurt them again.
Quote: They look just like my pure bred Narragansetts looked like at that age

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