A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Well folks sad news to report on my end, I lost Mars a week and a half ago. It has been an emotional rollercoaster since with every emotion from anger towards the scientists who breed BB birds to grief. I do miss my little buddy, but this is the down side to BB birds.

My wife had gotten a couple more BB pullets and started socializing them but Mars wasn't real pleased with these two coming into our lives, she had taken to mothering them right before she died but I don't know what if anything they may have picked up from her. We had also found a Black Spanish/Black Norfolk Tom that Mars put a whooping on.

Just two days ago I was at our local feed store and found two Rio Grande Wilds pullets I'm socializing them now to try to get something that isn't going to end up dead in a year.

I miss my little buddy greatly

Sorry to hear. BBB's while cool and friendly are not long lived, I think of them as the CX of the turkey world. I have had limited success restricting feed on CX's to get a longer life. Maybe you can do that on a BBB. I have no idea. I had to process mine last year at 6 months. The legs were giving out on them.

So sorry to hear about your loss, Turkey. :(

I'm super excited about my three BBB turkey poults. We got them about 3-4 weeks ago from the local feed store. Our plan is to raise them for food, but I can already tell we will probably not slaughter all three. However, given that they're BBB's, I may do that anyway and get a smaller, non-modified heritage breed that will live longer. :) So far, they're having fun jumping up on the stall walls and running around outside during the day. Today it was hot here (around 95 F) so we did have to cool them down a little. Wet cloths and then a quick dip in some cool water. They actually really enjoyed it and kept trying to jump in the bucket themselves.

Good luck and welcome to the Turkey world!

I would try restricting feed and see if that lengthens their lives, or just get some heritage turkeys. When I keep CX's alive I seriously restrict feed they get very little to eat and I still lose them at around 11 months. Holms had one over 2 years but that was a freak or a miracle to live that long. I bet he only gave it a thimble of grain a day...

Welcome to the thread!

Well hopefully someone can help id what he really is.

My new tom.

Front view

Close up of breast feathers.

Bourbon for comparison.

New tom tail feathers.

Face to face with bourbon

In strut

I am not sure of the color I was thinking Jersey Buff also , but he does look a little redder than Ginger was. ( Ginger as I recall was a not a pure Jersey buff though I think she was lavender edged) BTW the guy I sold Ginger and Penguin to called the other day, Ginger is now named "Caramel" and is a lapper. Penguin is still a belly button but he likes him. He said Penguin is mean to Ginger/Caramel but he is going to try and change Penguins ways,,,,,,or eat him....
I dont know how to post the image


To post a picture you have to upload it to BYC that is done using the icon above ( on the reply menu/page) that looks like a picture. Click on that. it is next to what looks like a railroad track, that is for videos. It is in the same "stuff" as the smiley emoticons are..

Good luck
They toldme its a white holland but cant figure out if is a tom or hen

How old is it?

The snood looks small, the head could be either Hen or Tom...

Sometimes turkeys are older before they self Identify with one sex or another. Until that time they just go to the bathroom wherever they want.

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