A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Thanks for the advice about Big Bird's beak. I'm going to try feeding her scrambled eggs and hope that it will toughen up with time. I'm not sure that I can repair anything since the tip is just gone. Wish I had been fast enough to be able to maybe glue the piece in place for her before it came off :/
Fiesty...seems similar to when your cutting dog nails and you wick it. It will bleed but it toughens up pretty quick. I will bet Big Bird will thoroughly enjoy being spoiled a bit. :)
Got my momma birds out of the coop yesterday. 2 of the hens stayed close and one went exploring. She took a few babies with her and I had to fetch everyone back (where they were supposed to be but they couldn't figure how to get back). Then she went MIA into the weeds. I had to dig her out. Later I heard her out there again and had to dig her *and her egg* out. She's thinking about going broody again and she thinks she's found the perfect spot. I wouldn't care, but her eggs aren't fertile and I'm not letting her sit out there. Getting them in the coop wasn't too bad. When I let them out this morning, the 2 hens and babies were half way to the pasture within minutes. Miss "I want to be broody" was undecided. I'm sure she'll be in her "spot" again.

I need to move the rest of the turkeys over there, but I'm worried about the tom and rooster. I moved the rooster over on Saturday. They fought so badly before, I separated them. They have a lot more room now, but will still be in the same coop and pasture. My tom is pretty much blind in one eye from an injury (stick). I could put a crate in the coop and pen the rooster at night, but really hope I don't have to.
Ladybird is strutting! She even puffed at the Tom! Is she telling him off? She is not interested in laying eggs right now, and these 2 are from the same hatch so they are the same age.

Ladybird is strutting! She even puffed at the Tom! Is she telling him off? She is not interested in laying eggs right now, and these 2 are from the same hatch so they are the same age.

Being semi-senile I forget, How old is Ladybird?

It is not unusual to see a hen strut, especially the younger ones.

Holm just called me. He is without internet, theirs went out in all the rain. Which is a normal condition up here in the hinterlands. He is coming down here next week to get some Guinea eggs. I asked if he could bring a Creamer boy back with him, He said he could,,,,,( for those that would like to know this). And you Know whom you are.
Ladybird and all my turkeys are all one year old this year. She was the one that came from solitary for 6 months after her flock committed hari-kari when they were way overcrowded, she was the only one left and she lost a lot of weight being alone so long. She is gaining weight pretty fast now that she has a flock and space to roam in. My other burbon red all came from the same hatch, it was a family friend. He just had too many irons in the fire and things got out of hand, so I asked if I could care for the turkey because she weren't happy cooped up in so small a pen and all alone.
You will love the story of how we ended up being turkey people. It started with a work buddy of mine. His parents bought him and his wife a pair of poults, a royal palm and a BBB. He lives in town, so he is complaining at work, what the heck am I going to do with these baby turkeys?
I reply, I will take them for you when they are too big for your house. He and his wife agree, as turkeys aren't allowed in town, to own anyways ( turkeys live all over the city wild, Miriam turkeys). So, we acquired said turkeys. My daughter immediately fell in love with them. We ate them late that fall, and she was so sad about it that she melted her parents and now we have non eating turkeys too. She asked Santa for turkeys instead of toys! How can you say no? I think we will have turkeys forever thanks to my little girl!

This is the last picture I got of Mars before I lost her. I do miss her, she was my Therapy bird on those nights when the faces of those I couldn't save on calls were just too much to bear. We did get more birds as I mentioned earlier but they will never be like her
I feel better knowing that someone else has angry hens, BantamBird - all of my BR hens are as well, and they're also a year old. One has bitten me hard enough to draw blood... (vampire turkeys?)

Sorry for your loss, Turkey parents. She was a cutie.
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Well I fed Big Bird cut up hard boiled egg - and as predicted - she gobbled it up. Her beak is still obviously sore, but didn't look like she'd damaged it any more today. Now I have a turkey with a mild underbite :rolleyes: She managed to mush the egg all over my hand (I didn't want her pecking into a hard bowl). I'll give her one or two eggs per day until I can watch her eating on the weekend to make sure that she's able to eat enough regular feed.

Feathyr - I have one broody turkey who kind of resembles the "vampire turkey" too.

Bantambird - Ladybird looks pretty cute all puffed up :). My Coco struts whenever the rooster or the toms irritate her. Big Bird strutted a bit when she was a poult, but I haven't seen her do it in months. I wonder if that is their way of telling the boys to leave them alone? :p

Turkey parents - So sorry to hear about Mars :hugs

Gevshiba - sounds like a bit like herding cats, moving the birds :lol: Hopefully the Tom and rooster behave themselves!

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