A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Against my better judgement, I set more turkey eggs than I have room for in my brooders. I'm setting up an enclosure in the garage, using a piece of 1"x2" hardware cloth attached to a folding dog exercise pen for more support and will attach cardboard to the inside of it since the poults will still be able to squeeze through 1"x2". Now my question, can anybody here help me with electrical question: I will still need a brooder light since the temps this time of year are fluctuating like crazy with summer rainy season. Last night, 90's in the garage, but after a storm, it is in the 70's. I want to figure out how to attach a thermostat to the brooder light so it will go on and off as needed. What is out there that will work for this that is fairly easy? Anything that the light cord can just be plugged into? As you can see, these need more space pronto.
I just get a cheap STC-1000 and wire its output to a receptacle. Place the temperature probe where you want to control the temperature and plug your heat source into the receptacle. If I get ambitious later I will try to take some pics of my current set up. I also have one done the other way and it is controlling the fan in my greenhouse to keep the temps from getting too hot.
The 1202 is officially shut down for the season! And, keeping with tradition, when I moved the last of the eggs to the hatcher, one lone poult had already hatched and was hanging out in the bottom of the bator :/

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