A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

I thought it was just me that noticed a huge increase in snakes.  It's just gopher snakes I'm seeing,  so nothing to worry about.  I actually like them, good rodent control and I like to catch them.  They get all upset and pretend to be a rattler.  

I think it's funny how they do that, rattling their little tails. It does make you step back and double check yourself for a second lol. I'm glad to see the black snakes around though, even when I have babies outside. They keep the rattlers and copperheads away. Those i want nothing to do with. One of our neighbors had a rattle snake in their garden a year or so ago. I didn't know we had them around here before then.

If it's a poisonous one going down the road my dad and mom just swerves and runs them over before they go and come to our house we only do that if they are near where we live because we have dogs cats chickens turkeys Guinea pigs all kinds of stuff they can go after so before they can we just run them over my dad likes to take the black snakes up the mountain to let them go and then we just let the gardener snakes be. O and my I don't know what she would be to me but anyways she was gardening her flower beds and she found a 10 foot black snake in her flowers she hollared down the road to my aunt and uncle and showed it to them after her husband killed it. And my anut just went back into the house she don't like stuff like that.

My husband always told me to never run over a snake if it can be avoided because it could get flipped up into the underside of the car and find its way IN to the car. Not sure how true that is but I don't risk it.

I bet a lot has to do with where you were raised.  I got bit by a chipmunk when I was a kid and my Mom freaked out totally and brought me into the doc who had to reassure her that we haven't had a rabies case in many years and there was no need for the shots.   I love bats too.  Very good for insect control and I really hate fly's and mosquitoes.  

I love bats also. There's a state park around here that my mom used to take us to a kids to swim and play. If we were there late, we would walk down to this old abandoned church to see the bats come out. It's a protected site now since its a huge bat nesting site with thousands of them. We used to stand in the graveyard behind the church, on top of a tomb stone, holding on to the branch of a tree and they would fly out of the church and get within inches of us and serve really quick. We thought it was the coolest thing ever. I want to take my kids there but we live over am hour away now and I think they'd be afraid of the old graveyard at night lol.
My turkey hens have never bothered my chickens. Once in awhile one of the chickens will peck at Daisy's black spots. Guess they think it may be a bug or something. She just looks at them & they walk away.

Snakes don't bother me. But down here they are just as likely to be poisonous. I just stay away from them.

Aurora....love the bat story! How cool!
I keep going back & looking at that picture of a Cornish Palm R2elk posted. Wow. Amazing colors. I'm rather speechless. ...wow...


Here is an update pic on the turkeys I think they are going to be pure bred narragessett as I have mentioned before I have never seen the tom before.

How have u never seen the tom?
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I sure hate that Coffee lost the poults and the hen. What a bummer.

Aurora....we need mottled pics.
Feedman....you need to post some baby pics too! And R2Elk....I know you have gorgeous photos.....

Just need a poult fix!
Here is a pic of 3 mottled black hens. They get more white on them as they get older. In this pic the 2 whiter ones are 2 years old and the dark one is under a year.
@Auroradream26 MB poults from these ladies.
Hey guys i started a turkey hatch along post some pictures of your poults and their parents

Sorry, Not interested in a hatch along, I like to hatch with the people here. Please do not spam this again to this thread.

Thanks Once was enough to inform others you had the thread started..

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