A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

My hens are so angry when i steal their eggs, working to setup the first incubator.
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There are a number of us who have drawn back bloody hands from reaching into turkey nests. I have been bitten and flogged when stealing newly hatched poults.
There are a number of us who have drawn back bloody hands from reaching into turkey nests. I have been bitten and flogged when stealing newly hatched poults.
I feel extremely lucky that Rosabelle is such a good mother and doesn't go out of her way to mail me when dealing with new poults and eggs. Usually she just hisses and gives me the stink eye but lets me do whatever is necessary to help her.
Yeah...mellow is the right word. Neither one of my girls tried to go broody last year. Annie tried the year before. Daisy has never been broody. I grab those eggs as soon as I can. Maybe that has something to do with it.
Sabrina was trying to brood already this year but she's so skittish that she'd just fly off the nest any time I came near. Pebbles is my other big brooder. She'll just lay there are let me do whatever. A half hearted hiss now and then and puffing herself up are about the most she'll do. She's still angry right now about her separation :/
How is her healing going? I love her colors. She sort of glows.
We need more pictures around here! Let's see these turkeys!! I've been slacking. Need to carry my camera around more.

I'll pull her out later and check on her again. Hopefully, she's healing up good. I need to take more pictures too. I need a better camera though!
Ethel Jr is good about eggs but her sister was a WITCH (no offense Ralphie) she flew up in my face and attacked me when do chores one day... She ended up getting attacked by something and now I miss getting attacked everyday...

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