A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Hello from NYC. In the stands at Madison Sq. Waiting for Best in Show. Missing my turkeys. Now isn't that something? Here with several thousand dog folks and thinking about the turkey girls. So...those of you interested...tonight they will award Best in Show. We already know who is winning...WHAT....yes...it's that political. But always fun to watch. Cheers!!
Hello from NYC. In the stands at Madison Sq. Waiting for Best in Show. Missing my turkeys. Now isn't that something? Here with several thousand dog folks and thinking about the turkey girls. So...those of you interested...tonight they will award Best in Show. We already know who is winning...WHAT....yes...it's that political. But always fun to watch. Cheers!!
any pictures?
The Toms are bored with no girls to show off for......so they did what bored boys do. They got in trouble by resting on the deck...

I am fairly sure, the WWD will be able to tell they were on the deck. The poop piles are much larger than the chickens leave...

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Miss Pirate decided to free range today. I don't mind, she's a good girl and doesn't wander off. I was working in the garage and she decided to come look for food and see what I was doing in there :)


Mister was out for a little while too, just following me around and asking for hugs but he walked right in the pen when I opened it to go in so he must've been done. Eve, Mary, and Sweet Pea wanted to go hang out with Pirate for a while though so I was nice and left them out to enjoy the nice day.
Hanging with the hens! One of my favorite things Aurora. Mine love putzing around with me. I'm sure they think they are a big help.
Heading home today. Stayed in NYC. I actually have a project here. Looking forward to see the girls!

Just for the record, the boys hang out with me. When I am outside they are right with me. I am sure they think they are helping too. I had to chuckle to myself yesterday as I headed to the barn. I had the five boys on my right side walking to the barn with me. They, of course, were very vocally telling me what to do, and freely giving their opinions.

Boys seem to be a little louder than the girls.

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