A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

I have my two chicks in a brooder tote with a heat pad under one corner and a 60watt incandescent bulb to keep it hot enough. The silly birds like to stay up on top of this hedgehog dog toy I put in there (when the one was being kept alone). They don’t even poop on it and anywhere it’s moved (since I thought maybe they’re trying to get away from the heat) they still sleep on it. Silly babies!
Aurora....Cuddles may be laying defective eggs. Send her to Memphis immediately. Seriously, I have no clue why they are failing. Thats upsetting. Hopefully you'll figure it out. But in case you don't...

Could get well be that. I have a hen (chicken) that I can’t get a chick out of. She lays beautiful blue eggs that get to lockdown but in the last four years not one chick has ever made it through lockdown..
Here is our resident owl. Every evening it flys out of the magnolia & hangs out awhile. Then flys off.
Seems we are all creatures of habit. Owl flys out about the same time Daisy is on my lap before bed. She ALWAYS sees it first. About jumps out of her feathers. I've quit trying to chase it off. Now we just stare at each other.
I agree Aurora. Beautiful & fascinating. I understand the only physical difference between the barred owl sexes is size. Trying to determine if it's a he or she. Females are 30% larger than males. It's really large...thinking it's a she. I was hearing it months prior to seeing it. They apparently pair up between Dec. & April. Not sure if it has a mate or not.
We have at least two ladies layin now. Yay! One new lady and one older. Esther gave us our first big girl egg saturday. The other egg... we have gotten three so far. One of them is just a bit differently shaped than the other two that size. Not a lot so not really sure if it is the same lady or two ladies. And it wasn’t under the goat stall step like the other two. So that makes me think two ladies as well. And buster brown is doin his job easy peasy now which is a good thing. But man i dislike him. He and objects are quite good friends still so if he doesnt decide we are not the enemy then he will be on possibly the thanksgivin menu here. We are just hopin it is that he is young and thinks he is protectin the ladies only time will tell. If we have somethin in our hand he is ok... it is just the times when we don’t.

As of yesterday we have been home a year now. It has been crazy, wonderful, frustratin all at the same time but we wouldnt change it for the world! Just knowin i dont have to ever send the man away on another journey again is worth all the not so fun things. Today is started as rain and now it is a nasty sleety sheet all over everything and supposed to be snowy by this evenin. Yuck! Veggie beef soup is on the menu along with homemade cheese toasty breads. Yum!

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