A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

My tom is pretty well behaved, just kind of annoying. It looks tiring constantly being in a state of showing off lol. If I sit anywhere he's there circling me and trying to sneakily stare down at my shoe for an opening. If I sit on the other side of the fence away from him he displays right up against the fence. I got lucky with him not being generally aggressive, unless you're my mom. He's nice to me and my sister and usually strangers. He kicked my mom for the first time the other day when she was helping me herd them into the pen lol

His brother was way worse. He was my baby, but got extremely obnoxious and would constantly try and mount me if I sat down. He got to 2 years old when he was starting fights with his brother constantly, pushing up against me and trying to climb on me, and he would relentlessly chase and attack my mom. I loved that dude, but he had to go for the safety of me, my mom, and his brother. It took 2 years for his bad behavior to come to a head. Before that he was harmless.

The hens have stayed mostly fine. They like to follow me around and watch what I'm doing, but don't really want to be touched. One of them sees me as a pecking order hurdle and is afraid I'm going to attack her or something? Even though I babied her growing up. She'll alarm chirp if I reach out for her, and then turn around and try and challenge call me. Her sister puts her in her place every time though. Her sister follows us around but doesn't want to be touched, unless she's in "the mood" where she'll just walk up and stand really close to me and be stiff. She doesn't sit for me, just stands there and walks into my lap and stares.

My 2 "best" imprint outcomes were my lilacs. They both get really close and like to interact. Budgie less so, but she is pretty funny and is also the only one who will sit for me. Her sister, Sparrow, is my baby and the one who probably imprinted the best. She'll walk up to me, walk into my lap, perch on my lap, sit near me, let me pet her and scratch her, let me carry her around and is genuinely interested in me. She's also never tried to sit for me or want me to breed her, which makes me think she recognizes that I'm not a turkey but maybe like, turkey-adjacent lmfao.

Unfortunately though that's only about 1/4 successful imprints on the ladies. My tom is very easy to mess around with and love on, but there's the whole "he hates my mom" thing which kind of fails him from passing the "successful imprint" qualification. I've got these 5 growing up now, 2 fully imprinted from birth and then the other 3 I got around 6 weeks in, so I'll see how they develop and if they act any differently then some of my other girls.
My tom is pretty well behaved, just kind of annoying. It looks tiring constantly being in a state of showing off lol. If I sit anywhere he's there circling me and trying to sneakily stare down at my shoe for an opening. If I sit on the other side of the fence away from him he displays right up against the fence. I got lucky with him not being generally aggressive, unless you're my mom. He's nice to me and my sister and usually strangers. He kicked my mom for the first time the other day when she was helping me herd them into the pen lol

His brother was way worse. He was my baby, but got extremely obnoxious and would constantly try and mount me if I sat down. He got to 2 years old when he was starting fights with his brother constantly, pushing up against me and trying to climb on me, and he would relentlessly chase and attack my mom. I loved that dude, but he had to go for the safety of me, my mom, and his brother. It took 2 years for his bad behavior to come to a head. Before that he was harmless.

The hens have stayed mostly fine. They like to follow me around and watch what I'm doing, but don't really want to be touched. One of them sees me as a pecking order hurdle and is afraid I'm going to attack her or something? Even though I babied her growing up. She'll alarm chirp if I reach out for her, and then turn around and try and challenge call me. Her sister puts her in her place every time though. Her sister follows us around but doesn't want to be touched, unless she's in "the mood" where she'll just walk up and stand really close to me and be stiff. She doesn't sit for me, just stands there and walks into my lap and stares.

My 2 "best" imprint outcomes were my lilacs. They both get really close and like to interact. Budgie less so, but she is pretty funny and is also the only one who will sit for me. Her sister, Sparrow, is my baby and the one who probably imprinted the best. She'll walk up to me, walk into my lap, perch on my lap, sit near me, let me pet her and scratch her, let me carry her around and is genuinely interested in me. She's also never tried to sit for me or want me to breed her, which makes me think she recognizes that I'm not a turkey but maybe like, turkey-adjacent lmfao.

Unfortunately though that's only about 1/4 successful imprints on the ladies. My tom is very easy to mess around with and love on, but there's the whole "he hates my mom" thing which kind of fails him from passing the "successful imprint" qualification. I've got these 5 growing up now, 2 fully imprinted from birth and then the other 3 I got around 6 weeks in, so I'll see how they develop and if they act any differently then some of my other girls.
I love my 6 Heritage Bronze turkeys. I know they are still young 5 months. The other day they were on the fence just waiting to be put up for the night and I hugged and talked to them for close to 30 minutes. Every single one would lay there head on my arm and just talk back. They have so many different sounds and tones Its so cool. They even make different sounds when they are sleeping at night. 🥰 yep they are my first turkeys ever.
I named this one "Male pattern baldness"

So the vet looked at the fecal, and he said it had hookworms. He is a dog and cat vet though so he could be mistaking it.

Im finding conflicting info on whether or not poultry can get hookworms, wondering if I should worm them just to be safe?
Is it the swift fox your talking about? I hope the trappers your speaking of are doing it during the trapping months. I dispiese poachers. :mad:
It was indeed a red fox. the guy up the street has been live trapping them on his own property. Apparently, because of nearby bridge construction, they are moving in. Decimated the local housecat population and most of the neighbors with poultry. The rumor is he has caught 12 so far. The mice are getting out of control with the loss of the local barn cats. We caught the fox on a trail cam, the monster. Yes, it is out of season for fox, so the pelts are pretty worthless, but it is legal to kill varmints when they cause damage. This dude killed 100 birds of just mine alone, my neighbor has only 3 fat old hens left. We tried to take a shot at it but missed. Skunks insisted on smelling up all our live traps so the foxes wont touch them.
looking at a map of swift fox range, I would be on the very border of its former range. I have not seen one before personally, but knowing foxes, that does not mean they are not there. Nonetheless, I already have very mixed feelings about protected predators.
I have Swift fox here. They patrol the right of way every night. I have not lost any birds to the Swift fox.
This guy is great when it comes to raising turkeys as pets and them imprinting on him.
Just looked at a video from this guy.(Examples of Rare Heritage turkey mixes: red palms) Not sure how credible his other info is only watched this one, but he defiantly doesn't know what he is talking about on varieties of heritage turkeys. Always beware of info from bloggers and youtube as you need to take a lot of it with a grain of salt.
Just looked at a video from this guy.(Examples of Rare Heritage turkey mixes: red palms) Not sure how credible his other info is only watched this one, but he defiantly doesn't know what he is talking about on varieties of heritage turkeys. Always beware of info from bloggers and youtube as you need to take a lot of it with a grain of salt.
Seriously! I was watching a YouTube video earlier, and this guy had GUINEAS! :smack I knew then that he didn’t know what he was talking about.

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