A Chicken Clan RP "ҒІу щїτн Тнε вѓееze" Lock please!!

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ms.cluckling :

(im back! sorry, i had to teach my grandma how to use the internet

Cricketchick cocked his head, "You must be Acornchick! I'm Cricket--oof!" Cricketchick was interupted as Starchick sprang on him, knocking the wind out of him.

Cricketchick got up unsteadily, and smiled broadly, "Oh, it's on now!" He proceeded to chase Acornchick and Starchick around the clearing.

Nightshade watched fondly from the edge of the clearing, when a handsome young rooster walked up to her.

Hello, I'm Gerb! Welcome to Wc! I posted your Characters last night, do you have more than two? If so... Well.... I have more to post!
(LOL I wish you hit the m instead of the b to make it Germ....
Who is this, um, Handsome, young roo here?)
AcornChick squeled with delight and flew up to the spider branch.
(im back! sorry, i had to teach my grandma how to use the internet

Cricketchick cocked his head, "You must be Acornchick! I'm Cricket--oof!" Cricketchick was interupted as Starchick sprang on him, knocking the wind out of him.

Cricketchick got up unsteadily, and smiled broadly, "Oh, it's on now!" He proceeded to chase Acornchick and Starchick around the clearing.

Nightshade watched fondly from the edge of the clearing, when a handsome young rooster walked up to her.

Hello, I'm Gerb! Welcome to Wc! I posted your Characters last night, do you have more than two? If so... Well.... I have more to post!

Hi! Well, I've got to make a handsome rooster now, unless someone else has a character that fits the part
Thanks for posting them! By the way, you can call me cluck (ms.cluckling is far too long
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ms.cluckling :

Hello, I'm Gerb! Welcome to Wc! I posted your Characters last night, do you have more than two? If so... Well.... I have more to post!

Hi! Well, I've got to make a handsome rooster now, unless someone else has a character that fits the part
Thanks for posting them! By the way, you can call me cluck (ms.cluckling is far too long

Okay, Cluck!

Well alas, I must leave again!

name:Silverclaw (used to be Roo)
rank:loner (will be warrior)
appearance:silver and beautiful, with long black, blue, and green tail. Has strange black skin.
Personality:Roo is a headstrong pheonix cockeral who can't stay in one place for too long.
ability:He is speedy.
history:He mated with Nightshade, and has a son named Cricketchick. He left when cricketchick was one day old because he didn't want to make the committment, and now deeply regrets it.
byc username:ms.cluckling

gender: male
appearance:blue with feathered feet and a white neck. Very handsome. Has a scar on forehead (above right eye)
personality:Firetalon is a compassionite, intelligent, and humorous cockeral. He likes Nightshade and admires her deeply. He thinks of Cricketchick as a son already.
ability:Crows loudly to scare away enemies
history:parents are unknown. He was found as a chick and was badly injured. He still has a scar on his forehead that stings him when there is danger.
byc username:ms.cluckling

rank:loner (will be warrior)
appearance: Golden body and black saddle feathers
personality: a nice (though annoying) Buff Orpington cockeral. He is fast (or at least he will be once he's shed some pounds--the humans tried to fatten him up).
ability:being annoying
history:he lived in a chicken coop with Silverclaw, until he decided to go on an adventure to find Silverclaw's son.
breed:Buff Orpington
byc username:ms.cluckling
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ms.cluckling :

Cricketchick cocked his head, "You must be Acornchick! I'm Cricket--oof!" Cricketchick was interupted as Starchick sprang on him, knocking the wind out of him.

Cricketchick got up unsteadily, and smiled broadly, "Oh, it's on now!" He proceeded to chase Acornchick and Starchick around the clearing.

Nightshade watched fondly from the edge of the clearing, when a handsome young rooster walked up to her.

"You must be Nightshade," said the cockeral, "I'm Firetalon. We don't usually see newcomers around these parts." He winced in agony, remembering the pain from his wounds when he himself was found in the woods.
"Come, let me show you around."
Nightshade pulled away, "Oh, I'm not new. I was born here. I left as an apprentice, probably before you were born. I sought a new life."
"Then, why are you back," he inquired.
"I--things have changed. I have a son now."
"And a mate?"
"No. I did once, but he never was much of a mate to begin with."
And with that, she strutted away.​
Roo sat in his coop, thinking about what had happened. He decided he'd had enough of this soft life. He got up, flew over the coop gate as he had done all those moons ago, and began to walk away.
"Hey, Roo! Where do you think you're going?" called an old friend of his, John.
"To find my son," he said gruffly.
"Roo! Come back! That's crazy--"
"Don't call me that. That's my human-given name. I don't want it. I don't want any of this. And, no, it's not crazy. You're crazy if you actually want to stay here. Don't you know what's going to happen? You're going to get eaten! What do you think happened to Rex, or Rose? That they just mysteriously dissappeared? Uggh, I'm wasting my time talking to you. I've got to go."
"Wait, Ro--er...chicken! I'm coming with you!" yelled John.
"Fine. Just don't get in my way."
They walking in silence for about an our.
"Yes, John?"
"I've got to call you somethin'"
"Call me... Silverclaw"
"Are you sure? How 'bout Joe?"
"Johhhhnn," he said in a warning voice."
"Fine, I won't say anything. Sheesh."
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Moon scooted her chicks away from the tree line with her wing, this was their first time out and they were thrilled. Between the head high brown grass and the little winter bugs they couldn't get enough. They peeped and ran, except for the little one, Moon began to worry. He didn't act sick or weak, just different she thought.
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