A civil political discussion?

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Be careful arguing your points, you can get them across without being mean!
Sillystunt wrote:
Rome wasn't built in a day......people need to let time run it's course.
8 years of a mess isn't gonna get fixed in 4 months.

Um, do you folks realize that Rome doesn't even exist anymore? Eight years of mess? Only eight? You guys need to read some history, me thinks. It takes alot of wrong turns to get here, much more than eight years worth.
UMMM, you didn't even VOTE....And you complain? Did we not have a war in this country? We didn't stand up against civil liberties?

And i don't like the stab at Muslims!!! And we are not a christian nation,sorry to burst you bubble.

Darn, we were doing sooo good! What happened

I did NOT stab the MUSLIMS. I have several MUSLIM friends, My daughter dated a MUSLIM for YEARS.

Attacking me is what will shut this thread down.
I agree - can we please have a discussion here - this is serious stuff. Please keep the religion out of it or keep your heads when discussing it.
i hate to say it, but if china cashes in its treasury bonds, they'd own a staggering majority percentage of the remaining USA thats for sale....

Sad news is, foreign investments already own a large chunk of our country... and we've all been living on borrowed money for too long. Clinton took care of the national deficit, fine, but how many treasury bonds were released?

How are we paying for this war in 2 countries?

Why does the president and congress do nothing with issues that are important to the american people, yet push their agendas??????? Immigration, medical marijuana, the war efforts? they are worried about national healthcare, and spending spending spending.

George bush started us on this big deficit with the 850 billion bailout that the american people (85% of all polled on all fronts) didn't want. Now we have a president that is doing the same. What would happen if the government would have taken that 4.whatever trillion dollars it's spent since last year on bailouts and let companies recover on their own, split it up in the form of tax relief, and every working american citizen over the age of 18 would get a nice chunk?

Couple things would have happened. 1... people would have paid off their high interest debt..... 2 they would have either paid off their mortgage or come close to it... 3 they would have stimulated the economy by spending.

We are now enslaved to the banks, insurance companies, and our largest manufactering base in the country is now being renamed "Government Motors".... I doubt we'd be in this recession.

If me and the wife would have gotten 300,000 apiece (what the rough math works out as if I've done it right) I would have paid off my house, credit cards, and bought a brand new truck. Stimulating my economy from the bottom up, not the top down.
Um, do you folks realize that Rome doesn't even exist anymore? Eight years of mess? Only eight? You guys need to read some history, me thinks. It takes alot of wrong turns to get here, much more than eight years worth.

Yeah - over 100 in fact. Over 100 years to get to this point in time...this has very little to do with the current admin or the last one. The fundemental changing of American started long before those two puppets came into office.
Its probably too late, if you guys wanna keep this thread up then stop going back and forth bickering at one another. This thread isnt about that. Some of you need to quit ruining it for others who WANT to have a good nice ADULT conversation. There I said it.

yup no more talk about religion please.
You said "We need to learn from the Iranian people. They are brave enough to die in the streets of a corrupt and overpowering government." They're dying because they are brave enough to protest their corrupt government, even in the face of such danger, so I assume you're talking about taking to the streets in protest yourself, right? Are you? Have you?

I've done a bit of research on the Founding Fathers and I've read the Constitution in it's entirety. Several times. I have a copy handy now. And while I don't venture to assume the true purpose of our Founding Fathers, all of them were pretty into that "Separation of Church and State" thing. By that logic alone, we cannot be a only a Christian nation, or a Muslim nation, a Jewish nation, or a Wiccan nation. We can be a nation made up of those religions and more, though.
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