A civil political discussion?

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Sorry it sounded like a stab! And the Rome comment is a reference. I know we have all heard the saying

And we have been civil in this thread! read all the pages.....
. And while I don't venture to assume the true purpose of our Founding Fathers, all of them were pretty into that "Separation of Church and State" thing. .

Well that's where we'll disagree again.

Off to Church I go.
I know, but you helped me make a point. And, except for a couple of references, this has been a pretty civil discussion so far.

UMMM, you didn't even VOTE....And you complain?

Everybody that is a US citizen has a voice and freedom of speech whether they voted or not. This thread is not about Bush Bashing but it has gone there, as I suspected.

Obama supporters if you really believe in Obama then all the insinuations and bashing are not necessary. Whatever Bush or Clinton did as president does not matter now. Obama is at the helm, and some of us have as much right to think he sucks as it is others right to think he is the almighty. BUT above all everybody has a voice except the folks in other countries, it is our country not theirs. I will defend, and have, one persons right to speak out for Obama as I will against. If you want to talk about Bush start another thread. Same for Clinton and I could go for a long time about his misdeeds.​
Everybody that is a US citizen has a voice and freedom of speech whether they voted or not. This thread is not about Bush Bashing but it has gone there, as I suspected.

Obama supporters if you really believe in Obama then all the insinuations and bashing are not necessary. Whatever Bush or Clinton did as president does not matter now. Obama is at the helm, and some of us have as much right to think he sucks as it is others right to think he is the almighty. BUT above all everybody has a voice except the folks in other countries, it is our country not theirs. I will defend, and have, one persons right to speak out for Obama as I will against. If you want to talk about Bush start another thread. Same for Clinton and I could go for a long time about his misdeeds.

NOBODY said they can't voice their views............BUT VOTE it's important~
And i see equal bashing......
You said "We need to learn from the Iranian people. They are brave enough to die in the streets of a corrupt and overpowering government." They're dying because they are brave enough to protest their corrupt government, even in the face of such danger, so I assume you're talking about taking to the streets in protest yourself, right? Are you? Have you?

I've done a bit of research on the Founding Fathers and I've read the Constitution in it's entirety. Several times. I have a copy handy now. And while I don't venture to assume the true purpose of our Founding Fathers, all of them were pretty into that "Separation of Church and State" thing. By that logic alone, we cannot be a only a Christian nation, or a Muslim nation, a Jewish nation, or a Wiccan nation. We can be a nation made up of those religions and more, though.

You need to STOP trying to get your point to be correct and flawless.

Opinions are NEVER completely correct and rarely flawless.

I could CARE LESS what religious beliefs this country has in its borders. I welcome them. However, OUR NATION was not created in their religious beliefs.

Would you think that IRAN would let a CHRISTIAN LEADER (who, would not say he was CHRISTIAN and let the people just believe he was) SHRED THEIR " constitution or founding fathers beliefs ?

I do not think so and THIS is MY point.

YES, I would go to the streets and protest. Yes I have written my senators and whoever I can think of.

I refuse to flame you and I would Appreciate it if you would STOP flaming me.

As far as the voting thing. Do people who cannot vote in the country also NOT be able to express their opinions?

You need to stop with this one. This is only an attack on me.

How many do you think DID NOT vote ? I would NOT vote for the Republicans. I did not like George Bush either.

I am not a democrat nor am I a republican, I am a independent.
Everybody that is a US citizen has a voice and freedom of speech whether they voted or not. This thread is not about Bush Bashing but it has gone there, as I suspected.

Obama supporters if you really believe in Obama then all the insinuations and bashing are not necessary. Whatever Bush or Clinton did as president does not matter now. Obama is at the helm, and some of us have as much right to think he sucks as it is others right to think he is the almighty. BUT above all everybody has a voice except the folks in other countries, it is our country not theirs. I will defend, and have, one persons right to speak out for Obama as I will against. If you want to talk about Bush start another thread. Same for Clinton and I could go for a long time about his misdeeds.

NOBODY said they can't voice their views............BUT VOTE it's important~
And i see equal bashing......

UMMM, you didn't even VOTE....And you complain?

Give us a break, and at least be honest, and this thread is not about Bush but you have gone off topic and made it about him and become insulting to others. The above quote is rude, and uncalled for.​
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