A form of Chicken math?

One more is hatching today, its about half out. If it makes it, that will be 5.
Well tonight I have 7 chicks under their step mom. One of the water heater chicks was half hatched but didn't make it thru the night, one egg left, no peeping heard.
Well, 7 are doing well today! one egg left but I don't think it will hatch, If I don't hear peeping in the morning it will be tossed.
Thank you, you've heard that necessity is the mother of invention, I could think of nothing else that stays warm 24 hr a day.
As of today, all 7 are doing fine and step mom is turning into a real care giver!
Today we lost one of the chicks, for no reason it seemed fine yesterday then in the evening it was moppie and today, eyes closed, in active and feathers ruffled. The other are running around just fine.

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