A Hawk Is Killing Our Chickens. What should I do?

I had to fence my chickens about 2 months ago hawks were having a party with my chickens. now with spring coming the ones left i am wanting to let back out to free range. My question is will geese protect the chickens? Thought maybe they being bigger they wouldn't bother as much. Just a ? and thought. So do the "eye balls" around the yard work? I really want them to be out again there so cool running around but dont want to risk the loss.
We lost 3 chickens in 3 days. The first night one disappeared and one carcus was left. We thought it was coyotes because our daughter had a medical emergency and we didn't get home in time to close the coop/run. We got game cameras to confirm. The next day (5pm) we lost another and I suspected a hawk. Today's photo confirmed my suspicion. Luckily I have had the chickens locked up for the last 2 days or I probably would have lost the rest of my flock. Photo is grainy but there are 20 hawks!
We lost 3 chickens in 3 days. The first night one disappeared and one carcus was left. We thought it was coyotes because our daughter had a medical emergency and we didn't get home in time to close the coop/run. We got game cameras to confirm. The next day (5pm) we lost another and I suspected a hawk. Today's photo confirmed my suspicion. Luckily I have had the chickens locked up for the last 2 days or I probably would have lost the rest of my flock. Photo is grainy but there are 20 hawks!

Those are not hawks. Appear to be corvids of some sort.
Some of the comments made to people who are tired of hawks killing their chickens are awful. I have 50 hens and 3 roosters. I also have 3 cats that roam around to keep the mice out of my coop and under control. I have invested a lot of time and money on my birds. They have a very large coop and run but I still let them free range as often as possible. A hawk has been stalking my chickens for several weeks now. I have seen this hawk fly into my coop and hen house. I've seen it chase my birds under tables and chairs. There are plenty of places for the chickens to hide but the hawk goes wherever they go. It is relentless and I AM going to kill it. It is not illegal when it is stalking my pets and livestock. I am not hanging garbage and debris around my yard to deter it. That's ridiculous and looks awful. If you can't see both sides of the issue then don't comment. Especially awful is the person that said "then shoot yourself". They're are some seriously stupid and hateful people out there.
I use and old battery operated radio and it seems to work fine. The hawk has not show up in the last 10 days.
I have a seasonal problem from November to March. I also keep doves and sometimes fancy pigeons and hawks find innovative ways to get to the birds. Neighbors with small dogs and cats can no longer allow their animals outside in runs. On the good side, I have a farm not far away that I rent out and it's rare to find any snakes. I did live trap one and relocated him about 45 miles away. He was back in three days.

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