A lil worried, some advice please


Sep 28, 2016
Hi all. Somewhat new to raising peas. This is my second year having them and I got them at like 7 or 8 months. Last year. They laid and I wanted to hatch myself took the eggs used an incubator however summer storms knocked the power out, after it happened a second time I figured this is causing damage, got a pc battery backup to use with it but the problem was on backup power for sum reason the thermostat wouldnt control it temp would raise. Scratch last year's eggs..now this is year it stayed cold longer in my area of florida than last year the cold basically just stopped here when last year it was sooner and the were already laying. I just assumed they haven't layed yet cause the cold was here longer but now I'm getting worried. I changed out the bedding in their enclosure to make sure there was plenty fresh they could try and lay sumplace and I go to feed yesterday and under their roost not really in the stool but more so some droplets of blood around the area in the fresh bedding. Not sure which it came from the hen or the cock but there isn't any more of anything like that today. Should I be concerned of cocci or worms or something else? Advice appreciated.
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It was as if when they pooped some sprayed. Random droplets almost like one, maybe two sprays out of a not super tight spray bottle. Would've taken .pic but I dont think an accurate pic is there anymore. Pulled their water container washed it with a bleach alternative dish soap was was goin to put sum organic apple cider vinegar in their water and some organic oregano in their food. Though I know that like more of preventative than treatment for a problem
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