A long, disapointing weekend. but looking foward to Spring!

Overrun With Chickens

From: New England
Registered: 08/19/2008
Posts: 510
PM Re: Day 27! Is this even possible?! No pips, wiggling a lot now!temp. is around 99-103*F. and hum. is 60-70%.

Dad has 2 buff orp. hens, 4 red star hens, and two rhode island red roosters.
I am trying to hatch a red star/rhode island red mix egg that our hen, Abby, laid. It STILL hasn't pipped yet,even at 26 days!!! But it's wiggling and alive! COME ON LITTLE FUZZY!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

This was posted 9/22 and post #2. So it says that on 9/22, the egg was 26 days old. That would make it 32 days old. I didn't quote post #1 because it was edited.
I'm not trying to be a spoil sport here, but has anyone had or heard of a chicken egg going 32 days? I think the chick would have suffocated or starved quite a few days ago. 77horses, I know how badly you want this chick to hatch, and how disappointed you will be if it doesn't, and the other two that were with it already hatched around 9 days ago. But I really think you should start thinking about the possibility that it hasn't been alive for some days now.
Post #1 is edited, because she edited the title of the thread, not the actual post...She has been editing the title daily for about a week now...And none of the other eggs were good, this is the only one.
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i agree i don't see a chick in that pic either
I've been following this thread for awhile, and as much as I wanted to stay hopeful for her, I'm not really seeing anything in the candling picture, and I'm attributing the "wriggling" to either her own hopeful imagination or just vibrations from her accidently jostling it...

I would have popped a hole in the egg days ago though... I'm not too patient myself.

Poor thing.
I was reading a post on another message board. This person was telling a funny story about how he couldn't understand after 7 days that there was absolutely nothing growing in his eggs, then he realized that he forgot to plug the darn thing in.

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