A long, disapointing weekend. but looking foward to Spring!

Oh and the good thing about our hens is that they spend sooo much time with the roosters, and yesterday, we were using their eggs for breakfast, and when we cracked three open, all of them had the large germinal circle on the yolk, so they were fertile! All three of them! Fertile eggs, anyone?

So i won't have to worry about buying some eggs! YAY!
Well, I am sorry that your chickie didn't make it...You will be able to try again soon.

This was a great learning experience for you and you will just be that much better on your next try!

If you need any help with the Miss Prissy Bator, you can ask us, but promise you will get your dad to help you build it, because the electricity can kill you.
Good luck with your next hatch...you will be a chickie momma soon!


LOL yes, I promise.

I also promise I will only make ONE bator to start.... or will I? (evil laugh)
No just kidding.
I really want to make a dozen and hatch out billions of little fuzzy butts, but of course, that's not possible!

Better luck next Spring, I hope!

Lets hope I(and others) don't go INSANE waiting for spring!!!!
I have to wait ALLLL winter before I can rebuild a bator.

This is gonna be a long winter!
sorry it didnt work out for you.
I have my first hatch in the gopher-bator DH built for me they are on day 11 and it's driving me nuts!https://www.backyardchickens.com/web/viewblog.php?id=7562-The_GopherBator
We have candeled and dont even kow what to look for (well we do but dont know if we are seeing anything).
We used Miss Prissys cooler bator as our plans to build ours and it only took an afternoon. Why do you have to wait till spring? I figure if this first hatch goes good I will be hatching all winter, LOL something to do in the cold months.

Does anyone know what happened? Does anyone have a guess? Sorry I didn't get any pics of the chick when i broke open the egg. I wish I did a little, so you guys can help me out with finding out what happened. Does anyone have a guess? Thanks!

Again, the chick must've died at like 14+ days old. It was still very small, it had feathers, a beak, feet/legs, and it's eyes were formed but closed. The yolk was still there (quite a lot was left) and it had a strange color to it.
Some veins were there, but were dark dark red. The yolk looked like it was attached to the chick's butt.
I am guessing bacteria had something to do with it?
Can anyone give me some advise? Thanks!
well, i don't have to, but doesn't everyone hatched in the spring? I have heard that many people put the bators away in winter.
Could be the membrane was to tough? but your humidity was good. Maybe it drowned since you said the humidity was at 80%? Sometimes freak accidents happen. Maybe the drop did it?
Ya, maybe. But why was the chick soo small? Didn't look all the way formed and the yolk was still large. Humidity was bad in the beginning, but through day 19+ it stayed at 60-75%.

And also, i feared from the beginning that the membrane would be too tough. The hen's egg seem really hard and the shells are not easy to break! I thought that was the prob....
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77horses. Sometimes we never know why they quit. It could have been anything, temp, humidity, bacteria, or a chick that had too much wrong with it to live.
Everyone here has had quitters at any day. It's sad but it does happen and you just have to say it wasn't meant to be. I'm sure next time you will get a good hatch.
ya. I know. but i still think it was bacteria, due to the strange color of the yolk and there was also this brownish/greenish ooz around the chick+yolk. Really strange.
But thanks everyone for the replies.
Now what am I gonna post about on here???!!! LOL all i ever did was talk about the egg, but now that it's gone, I don't know what to talk about. Not much happening with our pullets, hens, or roosters LOL.
I guess I will just see what's happening with other peeps now!

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