A Love Letter .....Keep it going if you can!


Love God, Hubby & farm
11 Years
Apr 13, 2008
Bowdon, GA
This is a love letter for all of BYC....

It's been less than 2 years since I joined up and I just need to tell y'all something......

I love the way.......

BYC is a caring and sharing community.

BYC has blessed my heart.

BYC has blessed my brain and shared so much knowledge

BYC has made me laugh.

BYC has made me cry.

BYC has made new friends.

BYC has let me share

BYC has blessed my soul and let me see little baby chick miracles.

BYC has always got something new going on

BYC has the greatest staff and moderators

BYC is the first place I go on the internet

BYC has increased my chicken and poultry mania


Now you all just pitch in......

Love to y'all and a blessed and Holidays and let me please be the first to with you A HAPPY 2010!!!!!
I love BYC because I have met some true friends

I love BYC because I feel it has saved my sanity while making me insane:)

I love BYC's generosity and kindness

I love BYC because out of all my weakeness this place is #1 which is awesome!
I love the way it is kept clean and healthy. It requires a lot of moderation from the staff, and self control from the members, but It is a place I feel that I can find help and humor all at the same time.

It is wonderful to have so many people who have something in common...all over the world!
This is a teaching site, so no one is expected to know everything, there are no dumb questions, and everyone has an experience in something.
I love that people are willing to answer the same questions 1000s of times

I love that I get to vicariously be part of breeding projects that my suburban backyard cannot support.

I love the depth of knowledge and the willingness to share.

I love the very talented writers who make me laugh, really laugh, so frequently.
I love that BYC saved the life of my hen when she was badly mauled.

I love that whenever I have a spare minute BYC is waiting for me (just a click away) with any information I want or need.
I love BYC because when I need a friend to cry to, someone is always there,
I love BYC because no matter how you are no one will judge you
I love BYC because when I need prayer someone is always there to help me pray.
I love that someone is always here and

I love the games and contests and swaps


The fact that there's so much good friendship and fellowship and good clean fun....

Where did that travelling mascot go....

And can't you just feel the love?

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