A New Love Affair

Nov 7, 2021
Has begun!

I picked up my first chicks this afternoon. Sigh (of relief).

I keep running into their room to check on them. They were loud at first (I figured they will need to get used to here vs. the store). Then I hurried to get their heat lamp set up. The thermometer in their room reads 89 degrees. I hear it should be more like 95. They were huddled together and I was going to move them under the lamp. Then it came to me . . . place the lamp over them. They got real quiet.

Here are some pics of our brooder (before I placed heater over the chicks). Get this, I can NOT figure out how to get the water into the receptacle. I simply poured some into the drinky part. But I figured water should be in the white part not just the red. I have the electrolytes in it but most of it is in the kitchen in a container.

Constructive criticism welcomed; i.e., heellpppppp!!!!!


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Turn white part upside down so the open end is up. Fill with water. Put the base (the bit they drink from) on. The whole thing will be upside down.
Once base is on carefully turn the whole thing right side up.
Water will flow into the base but should not overflow if it is on the level.
If you are me some will spill on your shoes and you can utter appropriate curses at that point.
Turn white part upside down so the open end is up. Fill with water. Put the base (the bit they drink from) on. The whole thing will be upside down.
Once base is on carefully turn the whole thing right side up.
Water will flow into the base but should not overflow if it is on the level.
If you are me some will spill on your shoes and you can utter appropriate curses at that point.
The red part twists off.
Are they eating and drinking ok? I always dip their little beaks in the water to make sure they know where it is first thing. I pick each one up, tip and dip. I don't know if thats what other people do but someone taught me that and I've done it ever since.
I do that with a few. Others will follow and learn once a couple get it.
Turn white part upside down so the open end is up. Fill with water. Put the base (the bit they drink from) on. The whole thing will be upside down.
Once base is on carefully turn the whole thing right side up.
Water will flow into the base but should not overflow if it is on the level.
If you are me some will spill on your shoes and you can utter appropriate curses at that point.
Hubby just in he instructed just as you have written. Chicks now have electrolyted water in their brooder. Yay!!!! Thank you.

How long do I add electrolytes to their water? The instructions say add packet to one gallon of water. I poured most of that into the waterer and left some in a gallon jug for when they drink up what's in there.
Are they eating and drinking ok? I always dip their little beaks in the water to make sure they know where it is first thing. I pick each one up, tip and dip. I don't know if thats what other people do but someone taught me that and I've done it ever since.
They are not day old and had been eating/drinking at Tractor Supply (thank goodness). But yes, they have been eating and drinking here too now. It is 6 p.m. They have been "home" for about two hours.
Are they eating and drinking ok? I always dip their little beaks in the water to make sure they know where it is first thing. I pick each one up, tip and dip. I don't know if thats what other people do but someone taught me that and I've done it ever since.
I do that with one and the rest seem to copy.
Same with my nipple waterer in the coop. Each generation seems to learn from the others - I only ever showed one of them when I got it a couple of years ago.
Clever chickens!

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