A P R I L Cigarette Tax,..Who is quitting????

The thing that really upsets me is they are takeing away out freedom a little wack at a time ,Some of us may not live long enough for us to see the real trouble all this is going to cause out children,I wish they would tend to the important things and leave all our rights and freedom alone
Oh that is GOOD!
First post ever. Don't know why this one caught my eye, but hey!
I'm quitting! I'm sick of being sick. My kids are both allergic to cig smoke and they are sick with allergies. The price is going up. Now has never been a better time. I have a new peaceful habit to replace my smokes with. Hopefully my RIR and Barred rock ladies will alleviate some of my stress.

The quit smoking commercial that just caught my eye is the one that features split screen with a smoker and a lab rat. Rather funny and pathetic. "Cig companies designed cigs to be addictive. How long will you be manipulated?"

I think you have a great reason for quitting, my kids certainly reinforced daily why I should soo hopefully yours will help you as well!! Good Luck and keep us posted on your progress!!!
I have read through a few pages and I am really surprised at the number of non-smokers who disagree with the tax!!
I AM a smoker, though a light one - no more than 1/2 pack a day at the most. However, I probably won't stop to answer the original question. Too much stress right now.

Someone mentioned that helath care costs would go down. Maybe for smoking realted issues, however, most people gain weight when they quit whi ch would bring a whole new set of health issues to the table. Pick yer battles!
I smoke 1/2 a pack a day. I would love to quit, especially since I paid $9 for a pack of butts today!!!
That is just crazy!!
Once the warmer weather hits, I will be trying to quit. I know I am not ready now, so I won't bother to try yet.
I quit January 19th. I smoked for 38 years. You can do it if you commit to it. Me, I just declared war on cigs. When I declare war on ANYTHING, I will not lose. I really did not do it over the cost of cigs. I have 4 beautifal grandchildren, 2 were born last year. They look up to me. I figure I can't be a decent role model while I smoke.( Do as I say, not as I do?) Another reason was that I can't STAND for anything to control me and smoking had me just where it wanted me after 38 years. Now, I'm rid of that monkey on my back! Good luck to you!
on new years it was 2 mths i had quit and i should have stayed quit and dh too but being around chain smokers(family members wich makes it very hard) again we picked it right back up.

dh quit again it has been 3.5 weeks and he was offered one today and he said no this time and refused one like 3 times to my mil. i was so proud of him!!
i hope i can do it again and keep them gone this time.
i got 5 kid's and alot of animals i got way more better things to spend money on than a nasty habbit that i can't kick that is horrible to try to stop. it's like ya feen for it, it's sickening and i hate it.

all the places here put any packs they didn't pay the tax on for sale cheap to unload them the couple days before the tax increase day to clear em out so they didn't have to pay the new tax on em. people here where stock pileing em. they raised the price before the tax hit which made em go up just for ciggs 70 cents a pack, $1 for pk of cigars and up $25 a pound loose tobacco for federal. then get this for PA tax in the next week it's shooting up another like 68 cents a pack for ciggs.

oh and for the one that mentioned junk food tax, haha our gov already made a soda tax for us so we pay taxes on pop already here in PA.
this tax overload is crazy and wait it keeps getting better they will keep adding them one at a time and it will get worse before it is better.
I smoke those black clove cigarettes. Started again shortly after our second son was born. I started this time of year after our first was born as well (he was a November baby). I was paying $6.30 a pack, while hubby was paying $3 something a pack (I justify it because I smoke less than half of what he smokes). I don't want to buy anymore. Hopefully my cold will be gone and I can breathe before I run out so I am not tempted to buy more. Yes, I breathe better with the clove cigarettes, they soothe your throat better than most cough thingies. Can't find any good clove candies around to see if they work better.

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