A Political Joke I Thought This Group May Like

How dare you be so insensitive, do you have any sensibilities man.
First off its very cruel to carry pigs under your arms, it hurts their poor little belly, you might even snap one of it poor little feet.
Second of all how dare you say our President would carry pigs. He's the leader of the free (well kinda free) world and you besmirch his position like this.
To insinuate that someone would trade a human for a pig. We haven't done that in this country for over a hundred years. This is totally uncalled for.
You have sunk to a new low.
Also saying "squared away Marine" is just a waste of words. All Marines are squared away, so lets please have a little concern for environment. Do you realize how much you increase your carbon footprint by the electrons used to type that extra word.
Now please stop this foolishness. Life is not a place where you need to laugh, its serious business.


Someone had to start, its happened in every other joke thread. I wanted to see what it felt like to be a ______.
Nice joke PC, I loved it.

As a woman who is pretty left-leaning in her political views, I have been disapointed by both Ms. Clinton and Ms. Pelosi. So I find this hysterical, albeit maybe not in the same way those of you on the right might find it amusing!!

And regardless, PC, anyone who doesn't find it at least slightly funny (no matter what "side" of the political spectrum they are on) needs to lighten up!!
Hey Purple,
Boy, you really rattled old Repobob's chain. Didn't know he had that much starch left in that old moldy uniform. Go Bob! Give'm what for!

Oh, by the way; in my unprofessional opinion, that pig under his left arm looks as if it might be a wee bit on the wormie side. Might consider a worm treatment for it.
There is always one in the group. Hey have you hugged your tree today???
You better go catch it before some right wing gun toten sob cuts it down.

I'm sorry to upset you by insinuating the pigs were worth more than Hillary or
Nancy. Maybe if you stopped daydreaming about being in a hot tub with them,
heated by solar panels of course, you'd have more time to stop and smell the

So go read your AL Franken books and go to anti war rallies with hippies.
It's ok that guys have fought and died for your right to protest stupid jokes
posted by idiots on chicken forums.

Oh, I'd much rather eat that pig than Hillary Clinton.

Did that sound real? Anybody buy it?

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