A raccoon story - caught our first critter!


Scribe of Brahmalot
12 Years
May 18, 2009
Well, now we have raccoon(s). We lost 9 chickens in 8 days, 5 just Saturday and Sunday! I have a trapper friend who just came out this morning and found raccoon poop and tracks along with pieces of my missing chickens! Soooo, now we are set with traps everywhere. I'm filling my big drum with water and am going to give them swimming lessons if we catch them.

I'm so sorry babies - I didn't keep you safe. I loved you all.

My beautiful Wendy, light Brahma hen

Puddles, dark Brahma roo. Buckie the copper Maran safe but lonely.

Snowflake and Dusky, buff/light Brahma cross and dark Brahma. Other dark Brahma and buff brahma safe.

Elphaba, buff Brahma hen

Buffy, buff orpington hen

Three young dark brahmas, not named yet.

Chuckie, light Brahma roo - now injured, not sure if he will live.
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Beautiful chickens; so sorry for your loss. When you trap those coons, laugh hysterically as you drown them. I lost three in July to coons, reinforced the pen and have had no repeats. I have my fingers crossed for your rooster; hope he makes it.
So sorry for your loss. Coons are persistant. I even had one get in the closed and locked coop. He pushed the door in at the bottom the latch was 3/4 of the way up the door. Never thought one could get in that small of a space. I put another latch on all of my doors. Top and bottom. Hope your roo makes it.
>>Chuckie just died. Now it's war!<<

Awwwwwww....am so sorry! He was beautiful as were your hens. I hope you get the culprits. I HATE RACOONS!! Had enough misery with them here, all has been quiet the last few months since I shot the last one that killed my cat.

Hope you get him/them soon!!
They were so beautiful! I'm so sorry for your loss. Did the racoon come in the daytime or did it get them in the night? We free-range too so I'm just worried now for our birds too. We don't have anything racoon-proof (they are free-ranging day and night) but so far we've just been lucky.
He (or they) came in the afternoon/early evening between 4:30 and 7:00. We free range our chickens during the day but lock them up tight at 7:00. Our chicken-bonding time is around 4:30 and they would all be there waiting for treats. We would sit with them a while and then go in for supper. Then when we come out there is one or two gone. Darn thing took 5 Saturday and Sunday, so I think it is probably a family. The traps didn't work yet - empty this morning.
Man, I had no idea how vicious coons could be! I shall kick the security up a few steps!
I am so sorry for your loss. I lost a dozen hens this summer- not to coons, mine were home grown terrorists. It really does hurt.
Babies are safe now. It's a darn shame I didn't learn before I lost half of them. I feel so guilty for sending them out to die! It won't happen again.

Raccoon traps are still empty - will change bait. I'm not going to give up until I'm sure they are gone.


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