A Random Flock Photo Shoot

Will someone please explain to me why ducks are so cute?
They just are Julie no one can explain it. lol

Love all the picks they are all just so very special
The last thing I ever expected was to find such humor, fulfillment, well being, peace and a little bit of saddness all rolled up into one cute little package. Best stress relief I've ever found. Hard day at work - get home and go out back with the "kids". Sit and watch for 10 to 15 minutes and WHA-LA stress is gone! Spouse / cohort in crime / partner getting you down? out back with the "kids" for 10 to 15 minutes and ZOWEE! It's all better! Tired of the same ol crud on TV? Go out back with the "kids" and a cup full of meal worms and that right there is heaps of fun just watching and facilitating the feeding frenzy!! Best invention ever. I wish I would have known about these little gems 15 years ago. I'd have a lot less gray!!!!

Troy & Tina
They just are Julie no one can explain it. lol

Love all the picks they are all just so very special

Julie explains it all the time. Soft webs, fluffy bodies, round cheeks, ducks and birbs... Hoopoose! Can't make it any clearer than that...
Julie explains it all the time. Soft webs, fluffy bodies, round cheeks, ducks and birbs... Hoopoose! Can't make it any clearer than that...
O GOSH TONY. I just read your post. I am honestly laughing out loudly. Thank you. You need to do stand up duck comedy. Please.
Yesterday I went out and spent some time with the flock and took some pictures. Gave them a pool. Then took more pictures. There are also a couple from last weekend. Some ducks didn't give me any nice pictures, so they arent represented. Only continue if you want to see some random pictures of someone else's ducks
. Also feel free to follow this up with your own random pictures of your own ducks. No contest, nothing to win, but.... Ducks. Hope you enjoy.

Tag @Julie Bird

Dove got herself a matching set of Rouen Bookends:

Ettie in her fluffy duckling pose:

Dove coming at you:

Noir just checking you out:

Entie wings fully deployed:

Mystique walking by:

Entie... IN Your FACE!

Noir: Look, I'm Uncle Tevye...

Ettie shows how to use her feeder:

Kaine in: Karate Kid meets Kung Fu Panda

Rhiannon - Showing off her speculum feathers:



My boys, Tevye & Kaine - Just lookin' good for the girls

(Definitely view this one full size, I think it is the best picture I have ever taken of Kaine.)

And of course... Tevye wishing he were an airplane...

and Tevye posing cute.
Had to go thru these again and just marvel at them.
Noir really is the coolest looking duck ever! I hope my chocolate runner looks like that someday :) can I ask what breeds yours all are? And can I add to your photoshoot? I spent some time outside with my flock today letting them forage while I slowly froze to my camera phone.

Pteroduckyl leading the crew in a stampede for mealworms! And lagging Tater in the back decides to cheat and take wing to catch up

Michelle showing off her feathers in the sun

And showing off her incredible flying skills


Biffy must be channeling some of Waffles's spirit with this oh-so-scary chest bump to show Jeepers who is boss.

Frankenduck and one of his mallard admirers

Seriously, have you ever seen a duck with a greener head than Frank's??

Dickie following his half sister, Snowflake.

Biff is FINALLY finishing her molt that has lasted for months! See her new flight feathers coming in? :)

Jeepers, Tater Tot, Potato and Duckasauras. They are little mealworms fiends!
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