A surprise Roo?

He stands male and is pretty pink already -- especially given that Brahmas tend to be slow developers.

Since this is your first flock you should probably rehome him and spend a year with only girls to learn how to handle chickens.

I'll admit that I didn't with my first flock, but I had a lot of animal experience and even bird experience (cockatiels), and I was willing and able to eat him if he acted up.

@Mrs. K has words of wisdom on this topic. :)
LOL I'm neither willing nor able to eat him...I'm squeamish just filleting a fish! HA! I will probably wait to see what his temperament is like before sending him off...but if he's mean...he's not staying here!
Because this is my first go with chickens...I'm super worried about getting an aggressive Roo, but I guess I will just have to wait and see!
White Brahmas are not typically aggressive, I think you will really like this rooster even when he is sexually mature.
I don't really know how to correct aggression towards the hens, except for removing the rooster. But towards people? Make friends with him (if he is a boy). Let him know you're not a threat to him or his girls. Same with the dog, if it has access.

It's mostly worked for us, but there are always the occasional BRATs (Big Rowdy Attacking Twits) that have just got to go.

Good luck, and read a lot. Explore the forums.
There's gold here!

PS We will be visiting our local livestock swap this weekend. We cull the old/sick ones - we've learned to do that, but I haven't reached the 'eat them' stage (yet?). Our flock of 15 babies contained 2 easter egger roosters who developed FAST. Were crowing at 6-7 weeks, and were too aggressive for the slower developers (mostly pullets - there may be one more...) So they're outta here.
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