A very confused Chicken...thoughts please

My immediate reaction to the pic was "That's definately a rooster!" If I was a betting kinda gal Id bet roo, but after reading all the other posts, Id say there's a fifty percent chance I'm wrong. So basically, I'm no help at all! Lol

I think the best advice yet is to separate it from the others.
Wow! With those saddle feathers he is for sure a roo! And his coloring is typical of a EE roo. As other PP have stated, with bearded birds you will not see their wattle's. I'm surprised you haven't heard him crowing yet, should be soon. He could just be getting used to "his" group of gals.
That there's a rooster.

One way you can tell whether or not a bird is laying is by measuring the distance between the pin bones (the pointy bones located on either side of the vent). If you can only fit one finger (or not even one finger) than the bird is not laying for sure. If you can fit 2-3 fingers, then the bird is probably laying.

But I'm 100% sure you've got a rooster there.

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