A very white lash egg...? Just need confirmation.


Aug 19, 2022
Georgia, USA
Hi, I browsed around but most lash eggs looked like brownish funky eggs with layers in them. What I found kinda looks like that? But very white and more dry than rubbery. This is my first experience so I'm just looking for some confirmation.

I was cleaning out my Crested flock's chicken run today. I've got 6 Crevecoeur hens age 1y 2mo, 2 Polish pullets age 10mo, and 1 Crevecoeur rooster age 10mo. While I was raking up bedding, the two Polish were helping 'rake' the ground with me. After coming back from dumping a bucket in my compost, I found this on the ground:


I assume it is a lash egg. I thought one of the Polish had just 'laid' it. However, it was cool to the touch so that implies it was old. I broke it apart. it was dry and crumbly.

IMG_20240331_163944597_HDR.jpg IMG_20240331_164011356_HDR.jpg

Possible suspect for information's sake: I will say that my one Polish (Peaches) had an issue back on the 1st of this month where she acted ill, then laid a soft-shell later that night. However, it seems she had an counter-peristalsis contraction because there was a hard shelled egg inside the soft shell. Plus that soft shell seemed to have burst since it was empty and I found a trail of liquid leading from the egg to her. She was fine the next day but on the 3rd she was ill again so I put her on a round of amoxicillin for fear of an infection. The amoxicillin made her feel better very quickly, and she's been fine for weeks now after her doses ended. Though she seemed to lay some kind of mucus or eggy bits with her poop a few times which had me suspicious. https://www.backyardchickens.com/th...for-some-advice-please.1613448/#post-27550478

However, I have not been able to confirm if she's laying or not. She visits the nest daily and hangs out for a bit as usual. She'll complain when someone is using the nest when she needs it, so I'm assuming she is laying. Though one day I stalked her and she never left an egg behind after hanging in the nest for about 30 minutes. But that was just one day and I don't know if she went back later. They have strange rituals sometimes. I've had girls sit for 2 hours, leave, and then run back 30 minutes later to drop an egg.

I'm going to be getting a camera so I can find out for sure what's going on. Just been between checks and a little sore about 3 of my Wyze cams kicking the can in barely over a year.


Anyway, I just want to confirm that this is, in fact, lash egg and not like... dried out dog puke, since my dogs hang around the chickens. One time I've seen them steal and eat a raw egg. Ugh. If it is a lash egg, I've got more amoxicillin thankfully. I just need to hunt down the guilty party. Or assume it's Peaches and dose her again for 10 days this time. She's really the only one who I can imagine having this issue though her behavior is 100% normal.

Thanks a bunch!
It does look like lash egg.
Do you still have it?
Is the long stringy thing a tapeworm?
@Kiki thank you. I'm very tempted to put Peaches on another round of antibiotics but I'm also hesitant in case she's actually fine and someone else is having issues.

I do still have it. Took a close look. I can't really tell if it is or isn't a tapeworm. It doesn't look segmented. Been looking at pictures and such to compare. I haven't been seeing any rice-like pieces in their poo either. I'll try to get a better picture of it tomorrow in the outdoor light and separated from the other stuff.

Update: I took a look again this morning. The remnants are so dry and brittle I can't really tell. I'll go ahead and get some Equimax to treat for tapeworms. I should have some on hand anyway and meant to get some last month. Thanks again for the help!
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