Abandoned Babies !!!

Today they are all squawking away! 2 of them are eating the cat food enthusiastically , with applesauce and tums as well, and 1, the biggest is kind of sucking up the sauce and crushed tums, do you think he is sick? He looks normal though.
I have raised a mocking bird and a robin. Fed them a mixture of mashed boiled egg peanut butter, honey and yogurt. The mocking bird became very tame and would actually come sit on my shoulder. The robin however was a mean sob. tried to attack me every time I went to feed him. Both survived and were released into the back yard.
Update: this morning my parents built the babies a bird house, one was still off his food.
then i put them up in the barn ( attached to the rafters and in their new nest) and left them there for a few hours to see if there was any chance that their parents would find them and recognize them. I still go up to the barn every 2 hours, and then about noon the baby that was off his food was fighting the others to have the next bit of food!!!!!
my mom thought that he wasn't going to make it. But they are all perky and eating now. On the bad side, all of the other babies in the barn have learned to fly and all the swallow parents are gone!
I am going to have to raise them myself for now and hope that they come back in a couple days.
I am going to bring them back to the house after supper. They are soo cute, when they heard my voice coming into the barn they stick their heads out and cheek at me.

P.S. They didn't seem to like eggs when i tried to feed them the first night, but I might try feeding it to them again now that they are all eating properly
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