Abandoned Rooster *Updated PICS*


17 Years
Aug 19, 2007
Northern Utah
I woke up this morning to a crowing that I didn't recognize. Hubby and I sat up and looked at each other and I asked him "Was that Roo?" he said "I guess so." and then we heard Roo's crow. Which brought us both to realize that the first crow was not our Rooster. But it sounded like it was coming from our back yard. When it got light enough to see out I peeked out our closet window and sure enough there was a small rooster with a feather covered head hanging out in my yard right by my coop.

All I can figure is someone knew we had chickens and threw him over our fence. The only chicken footprints were along the fence line so I know he had to come into the yard over that fence. His crow is still raspy and goofy so I think that he's just started crowing and whoever had him didn't want (or couldn't have) a rooster.

I went out and gave him a little feed then left for work. When I got home he was still here and when I opened the door to my coop to go in and feed he ran in like he owned the place. My current Roo could care less. He just totally ignores him (might be a different story this spring). The hens pecked him a little but he just steers clear of them now. I know you shouldn't introduce a new bird to your flock like that but I suppose worse things have happened. Plus if my chickens haven't caught any disease or parasites from the stupid Starlings I can't get rid of, I figure they are immune to anything

So this is Elvis. Can anyone tell me his breed(s)? Also, Elvis Flew the coop last night so I figured maybe he went home. This morning he returned and I found out he had been sleeping in my mini horse barn.

And this is just a cool shot of my Roo
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another case of irresponsible owners, on the plus side if he is not ill, then you got yourself a good looking Roo with some potential.

How funny! I had something similiar happen to me once, except with puppies! I had a Chesapeake Bay Retriever who had a litter of 4-5 week old puppies. One day I came home from work and had an extra puppy in the fenced yard! He was obviously older than my litter as he was bigger and more coordinated, but still very young. I picked him up and started walking the neighborhood. Sure enough, 2 streets over was a family that had a litter of Red Bone hounds! I can only guess he got out of his fenced in yard somehow and wandered over my way, was found by someone who knew about my litter, and just dropped him off in my yard! He was cute as all get out, but I already had enough pups to find homes for, so I was very glad I found out where he belonged!
He is really beautiful. He's got greens, reds, and coppers in his coloring and his crest (is that's what it's called in chickens?) feathers are copper and black. He seems healthy. No runny eyes or nose, feathers all in beautiful condition, no bald spots, feet and legs are free from sores or anything. Acts healthy, has a healthy appetite for sure. Hopefully he is as healthy as he looks. I was afraid my Roo would beat on him but I guess that just goes to show how easy going Buff Orps really are.
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This guy is pretty docile. He hasn't shown any attitude yet. However, if he decides to get cheeky with me he will be dinner and his feathers will be made into all kinds of pretty things
He really is beautiful. I'm hoping he doesn't give me any trouble. Right now he's at the bottom of the pecking order and isn't showing any signs of trying to move up the chicken ladder. I guess spring will tell... I have an old rabbit enclosure I can move him to if he's to hard on my hens... who knows... maybe he'll take off one day and not come back...

My guess was a polish crossed with something because he's the size of the polish and got the poof but he's a lot more colorful than any polish I could find on-line.

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