Abandoned wild turkey egg Alive!?


Easily distracted by Chickens
5 Years
Jun 3, 2016
Lewiston NY
So, It was like any other day. 2 of my very annoying guineas had gotten out of their run once again and out into my hay fields. So, not really in the best of moods I went out to look for them and after about 10 minutes of looking I finally did (Can you spot them?)

While shooing the guineas back to the barn I had noticed just outside of the tree line were shells scattered all over the place.

When looking closer I noticed that these shells were wild turkey egg shells, So I decided to do a little more looking around, and found some more shells.. And just besides a rock under some dead grass was a perfectly fine turkey egg with a small crack in it. So I picked it up, Looked it over and decided to take it back with me. After I put my guineas away I went back inside and placed the turkey egg inside my incubator with my chicken and guinea eggs and left it for about 6 hours. (turkey Egg is the one with the ? mark)
Curiosity finally got to me so I went to candle the egg to see if something was in there. I wasn't expecting much since I found the thing cracked, very cold, and a bit smelly. (I of course cleaned it as much as I could before putting it into the incubator)
But to my surprise I saw that the egg had veins and a chick inside of it!! :eek:
(I'll try and get a better pic or video of the egg)

I was even more surprised to see the thing move inside the egg:th So now i'm not quite sure what to do. My first question is, What should I do about the crack? Should I put tape over it?
Second, How long do you guys think it's been cooking? What should the humidity and temps be? The temp is at 99.6 (Forced air) And the humidity is at 51%
Any advice will be greatly appreciated~!
I'd do some wax over the crack; it's safe for the egg and will seal it. Tape could work too if you don't have wax available, I've taped eggs before that needed it.

Looks like it's at least two weeks along. Temp is good, I can't comment on the humidity since that will vary from person to person as to what works best.

You might have the egg the wrong way in the turner; in a turner like that, the fat end with the air cell needs to be up and the pointy end needs to be down and in the turner. Upside down like that can cause the babies to end up malpositioned when they want to hatch.

Good luck, I really hope it makes it :fl
I'd do some wax over the crack; it's safe for the egg and will seal it. Tape could work too if you don't have wax available, I've taped eggs before that needed it.

Looks like it's at least two weeks along. Temp is good, I can't comment on the humidity since that will vary from person to person as to what works best.

You might have the egg the wrong way in the turner; in a turner like that, the fat end with the air cell needs to be up and the pointy end needs to be down and in the turner. Upside down like that can cause the babies to end up malpositioned when they want to hatch.

Good luck, I really hope it makes it :fl
Yes... Pointy end should always go down even when storing. It gives the chicks a sense of up and down. And wax works great! Way cool! I've got my fingers crossed for you that it hatches!!!
I'd do some wax over the crack; it's safe for the egg and will seal it. Tape could work too if you don't have wax available, I've taped eggs before that needed it.

Looks like it's at least two weeks along. Temp is good, I can't comment on the humidity since that will vary from person to person as to what works best.

You might have the egg the wrong way in the turner; in a turner like that, the fat end with the air cell needs to be up and the pointy end needs to be down and in the turner. Upside down like that can cause the babies to end up malpositioned when they want to hatch.

Good luck, I really hope it makes it :fl
So like candle wax? Will scented candle wax effect the egg or anything? I flipped all the eggs in the incubator, fat end up.. So I shouldn't change the humidity? Alright.. Thank you for the reply~

Yes... Pointy end should always go down even when storing. It gives the chicks a sense of up and down. And wax works great! Way cool! I've got my fingers crossed for you that it hatches!!!
Thank you~ I really hope this egg makes it, Fingers crossed~!

I know someone is gonna say to let it die because it's a wild turkey, just don't. No one is gonna listen.
I wasn't planning on anyways, I'm not sure if what I'm doing is even legal, But since most of the eggs were eaten and dead and looked abandoned I thought I might give it a go.. But thank you anyways~
I have a broody duck on eggs (first one hatched overnight, yeah!) but last week when she was off the eggs in the evening, I decided to candle them. I accidentally dropped one egg on another. Made a little dent/crack in the one that was on the bottom. Of course, it looked great at the time. I ran inside and grabbed a piece of paper-ish medical tape and stuck it on the egg. The last time she was off the eggs, 2 days ago, I checked and the taped one was still doing fine. I've hatched them in the incubator with the paper tape before. The only time I tried wax, I must have used the wrong kind because it just kinda sloughed off in the heat.

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