Abandoned Wood duck...?


7 Years
Apr 30, 2012
Near La Vernia, East of San Antonio
I was given a day old wood duckling. The mom left the nest with 2 left behind. I took them to the vet and he said one is healthy and one is deformed and close to death. He put it to sleep. I took the last one home and am trying to care for it. I have never had a duck. I grew up with chickens so I know they are close but not all the same. I have it drinking and I stopped at my small town feed store and talked to a boy and he got me baby duck feed and told me the duck likes lower temp than chicks. What else should I do?
I would try the Ornamental Section as well. They may know more about Ornamental Species
wood ducks need some kind special treatment, i dont know what but very time i tried to save a wood duckling it would starve to death in three days because it refused to eat. mallard duckling always survived and ate but for some reason very time i found a 1 day old wood duckling it would refuse to eat. you might need to teach it to eat
I believe in the Wild the ducklings make a fall to kick start the metabolism? I'm not sure on that though
i tryed that with the last wood duckling and it starved i put it in a shoe box and made it jump and fall 6 feet into the bath and it still didnt eat after i left it alone to see if it would figure it out
i tryed that with the last wood duckling and it starved i put it in a shoe box and made it jump and fall 6 feet into the bath and it still didnt eat after i left it alone to see if it would figure it out
Thats too bad.

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