About my clothesline...

One of the major reasons that I am hesitant to line dry my clothes is b/c they have always been "stiff" especially when we lived in Monterey CA by the ocean. They were intolerablethere, but we didn't have a dryer. So my question is, what do you like about how they feel? I've never had a good experience with it, but maybe I am doing it wrong. My grandmother's line dried clothes always came out so soft.

Any insight?

I put each load into the dryer for about 10 minutes, then put it out on the line to dry. Before I did this everything was "crunchy" (that's how my kids describe it). I too hated the feeling on everything, towels, jeans, sheets, etc. But once I learned this trick, I love it. They feel soft, fresh, and definently not "crunchy". Hope this helps!
I love my clothes line but sometimes when its really hot my hubby says: "honey, the bath towels are to stiff". I tell him: " don't worry babe, that way you can dry off and scratch your back at the same time.
Does this happen to everyone or just me?

Someone feels rain drops... Someone takes only THEIR clothes off the clothesline... Someone leaves everything else hanging even though it's dry... Someone lets the dry clothes get soaking wet again and shrugs because at least they have their clothing.

Someone being my husband
Well living here in Arkansas , I guess one good thing that I can think of, I use my solar dryers just about every day that I do not have to work.. I can't think of a much better smell and I am so crazy about having clean sheets to climb into after a nice cool shower at night. I love the smell, I love the feel and it makes the neighbors think I am crazy and keeps them away too! And believe me I have crazy nieghbors, one has gthe eternal, never ending junk yard right up to my fence, and the other has a milloin trees around his place and for 2 years I did not even know there was a house there. Now he just goes out about 4 times a week about 6:00 pm and does target practice with his shotgun to scare the liver out of all his neighbors.
I would love to hang my clothes out!! I too have a husband who doesn't like the feel of crisp clothes. I am going to try the hang and then dry for a few moments trick.

It seems like there are conflicting opinions - do I hand then dry for 10 min or dry 10 min and then hang??
Nuggetsowner:) :

It seems like there are conflicting opinions - do I hand then dry for 10 min or dry 10 min and then hang??

i'll have to see​

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