About to move my duckies outside...

I was actually going to add an electrric wire to my fenced in area around the bottom and top (in case something were to climb to try to get in through the wire roof). What type do you recommend? Is it weather proof? I wouldn’t want to put up something that would kill a small bird or a squirrel, is it that intense? Just anything to keep the bad guys out.
I got mine at tsc. It pulses so actually I don't think a bird or squirrel would be bothered by it. My dogs yelped when they got zapped. But, they were standing there longer than I thought it would take.
It should work in all weather if set up properly - it needs grounded. It recommends turning it off with lightning, but I have only turned it off twice for weather this spring and summer and always turn it back on before they are cooped up for the night.
It definitely should deter anything that was nosing around to dig or climb.
I don't think cement is the best option for ducks feet and legs.

Birds would have to be touching the ground and the electric wire at the same time. I think most of the electric wire pulses. So, unless you got a wire strong enough for a bear, the squirrels should be ok.
However think of the alternative, if you need an electric wire but don't put one up due to the chance of killing a small animal and then something gets to your ducks, you are going to be pretty sad.

I was wondering if I poured a cement base and covered it in a tile and then hay if it would be a good idea. What are your thoughts on that? I feel like it would totally eliminate anything digging in
I’m so clueless as to what electric wiring I should get. If anyone could link me to a suggestion that would be so appreciated!

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