Abscess?? Injury?? Infection?? On my Ayams back left rump.

The wound you are showing is on her side toward her tail.
You mentioned base/back of the neck two times.
Is there a wound there too?

In the photos, the wound looks to be healing. Do you notice any odors at all?
She's not feeling well, so she's got something else going on. Have you looked her over for other wounds (all over her body?).

Has she laid any eggs at all since she was injured?

Keep the wound clean, apply your ointment. I'm still not clear if she is or isn't picking at the wound. If she's not picking at it leave it uncovered.

The poop is not normal. She needs hydration. Push fluids, give electrolytes or a bit of sugar water along with plain fresh water.
I would also give her calcium for 3 days =1 Caltrate with D3 once a day for 3 days.

Consider giving her an antibiotic. Sometimes you can find fish antibiotics (amoxicillin) at TSC. Check to see if your store carries them. If they do, get that. Dose is 57mg per pound of weight given orally twice a day for 10 days.
If not, then order them online https://www.valleyvet.com/ct_detail.html?pgguid=F7605B41-10BA-45F7-8AF3-5CD0530BC1C9

Encourage her to eat. It's fine if she's out and has some company, just make sure flies are not getting into the wound and that the other are not picking at her.

She passed sometime in the night. She declined so fast yesterday. I think she ate too much salve but idk.

I did not find any other wounds.

I was going to start an antibiotic today but it didn't work out.

Feeling sad my sweety is gone. I tried my best.

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