Absolutely Brokenhearted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *UPDATE!*

thank you TT
I agree with Darin115 about the compensation. It seems people aren't always compelled to do the right thing these days from an internal sense of right and wrong, but money and legal rights can sway them. I don't know if it's possible to recoup more than the value of the birds, but if it were me I'd go over with a list of costs including feed.

I should thank our neighbors. We're not big friends and we don't see eye to eye on lifestyles, but they DO keep their dogs either on their property or at least off others' property if they venture down the road a bit with them. AND they don't complain one bit about our birds or the rooster crowing (we've found out they can, indeed, hear the crowing even though we're in a rural setting). In fact, their daughter likes birds and has come to check on our chickies a few times. She even shoots coyote if she sees them, which I'm grateful for! Yes, I need to send them a thank you!
I'm glad you talk to them. And they were nice. I wish it was the case here. It has takin me a few years to get attched the way I was. I love all my babies ( even though there are over 75 now). I have successfully moved one coop and reenforced 2 pens. I have to only move 3 more coops and build 2 stronger pens. I don't have free range chickens anymore (as of last weekend). It gets me a little down not seeing them in the front yard or greeting me at the door wanting their bread for the day, But I know they are safe and sound. It will be hard at first to get attached to them the same way, but it does get better with time. If you ever need to talk PM me.
I'm glad you talk to them. And they were nice. I wish it was the case here. It has takin me a few years to get attched the way I was. I love all my babies ( even though there are over 75 now). I have successfully moved one coop and reenforced 2 pens. I have to only move 3 more coops and build 2 stronger pens. I don't have free range chickens anymore (as of last weekend). It gets me a little down not seeing them in the front yard or greeting me at the door wanting their bread for the day, But I know they are safe and sound. It will be hard at first to get attached to them the same way, but it does get better with time. If you ever need to talk PM me.

I think I have decided not to free-range as well...even after I get the entire property fenced....I may change my mind once the fencing goes up, but idk. I really like two of my bantams; they are sweeties! And I think one of them is a frizzle?! whatever it is I love it b/c it's so unique looking!​
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