
It would be nice if people would spell it out however knowing that it probably won't happen, I appreciate the list
Black oil sunflower seeds

Imp-likes the challenge of decoding BYCish

Thanks! I shudda known that one.
I learn nothing from posts that use acronyms for chicken names. I don't even know the simplest ones, and I'm sure not going to be looking them up on a list. I invariably just skip over the post without reading it, figuring that its meant only for others who might have that breed. That's not to say that all who have the breed necessarily know the acronym for and will recognized it as post's pertaining to that member and chickens.
If the average chicken person is going to learn about various breeds, it's for darn sure that it won't be learned from posts using acronyms.
If you want to get technical, you're not supposed to ever use an acronym without first using the actual phrase, e.g., Parent Teacher Association (P.T.A.). After having followed the phrase with the acronym in parentheses, you never have to spell it out again, i.e., you can use P.T.A. a hundred times in your writing, and the reader is supposed to know what P.T.A. means.
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