Adding More Chickens



Jun 21, 2020
My Coop
My Coop
I have 220 square foot chicken run, which currently houses 7 hens. Do the math, and I could potentially add 11 more (assuming I build a larger coop outside of the run and clear the space inside) hens giving them about 12 square feet each. I just want opinions on the idea, I’m curious as to wether or not it would work.

Here is my run (currently with a coop and a few things inside taking up space)
I honestly wouldnt add any more birds. I have a 525sqft run. I technically could have 52 birds in the run. I'm at 15 now and feel that is the max I want. They all have room, integration worked great since they had so much room, and sometimes my girls bicker so they have plenty of room to get away from eachother. Your run looks perfect right now with the amount of birds in there. I also have tree limbs, tire dust baths, and food and water in mine. I wouldnt remove things to add more birds because that's kind of defeating the purpose. You want more things in the run to prevent picking while integrating.

The absolute maximum number would be 22 but I find mine are much happier with more room. Maybe stick to 15-16 birds in that run.

You already know you will need a new bigger coop so build/buy that a bit bigger too. It will give you more options.

I see since I was called away there have been measurement clarification.

It may be better to stick with 14-15 MAXIMUM in that run.
I agree, it’s best to keep it at a low number rather than max it out

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