Adding new chicks to adult flock


May 23, 2020
I’m planning on adding two new chicks to my flock of four adult hens and was wondering the best way to do it? I was going to put the chicks in a separate coop close to the adult coop to let them get used to each other. I’m expecting them to fight because the chicks are new and my older hens will want to “show them who’s boss” in the coop so is there a way to minimize the fighting so it won’t seriously hurt or kill the new chicks?
Umm I recommend you to wait until they grow... adults will peck them and basically bully them ...many try making a cage for them
I had chicks and two hens i was a starter then and put them together ...the chicks weren't to small but got some real injury ...the hens were calm and I was told to try(by my friend which also has Chickens)
So I really recommend you to wait untill they grow a bit so they will be able to run away ,hide,and other useful things
How old are these new chicks? If they're not the same size as your hens then I suggest a see but no touch setup for a while (I actually suggest that no matter what but bigger chicks can defend themselves easier than little ones).I also suggest keeping them in quarantine for a few weeks before you introduce them to your flock to avoid spreading any diseases if present.
I put day old chicks in a mini coop next to the big one. they see each other and are curious. after a few weeks you can probably just let the babies out and they will likely just start acting like the big girls and follow them into the main coop.

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